
Showing posts from February, 2022

Bit of a Poopies Incident on the Beach This Morning 🤭

 Nix had to drive me to the vets this morning because there was a bit of a poopies incident on the beach. You see I thought I’d been and Nix insisted I hadn’t been and guess what, we were both sort of right. I had been but the poopy hadn’t quite made it to the end of its journey if you get my gist. Consequently there was a bit of a mess and a lot of it involved my tail.  Nix was very rude of course and said it was disgusting and hanging out of my bottom and there was nothing she could do about it because she’s not allowed to bend over. She called the vet and we drove over there and a very nice nurse made everything better again. I did not like her cleaning my bottom but Nix said I had to have it done otherwise I couldn’t sleep on the bed. Apparently there were sticks and sand and allsorts in there… no idea how that happened 😇 Nix forgot to take photos of me at the vets and she forgot to take photos of me when we stopped at Hove Park on the way back. I believe she did take one of me w

I’m Getting a New Bed 👏👏👏

 First things first, once again can I just say that there are far too many comments on how wonderful Nix looks in her new top. Let’s not forget that she was meant to be buying me a new bed but decided to buy herself a new top instead. Some excuse was made about it being cheaper to ship than a bed but I’m not buying it. Anyway I’ve heard on the grapevine that Ness and her friends might be buying me a new bed and it might be on its way…I am very excited about this 😇 It’s very windy and very cold here today but the sun is shining. We were nearly late for church because Nix just stands on the beach and looks out to the wind farm. She still can’t believe that not only can she see it but she can actually see the propeller thingies going round. It’s a long way away, over 8 miles so this is very worrying with regards as to who is going to see the BCJ first 🤔 I had haloumi for a treat last night. Nix had bought a haloumi burger which she thought was disgusting but I disagree, it was very tas

Yesterday Was My Ten Year Gotcha Day, Nix Forgot to Tell You 🙄

 I think yesterday was very stressful for Nix because her iPad wasn’t working properly. She tried to get it fixed but seems like it needs a new screen so I don’t think that’s going to happen. The smaller one seems to be working okay at the moment but it also has a cracked screen so not sure how long that will last. Because she was so stressed  she completely forgot to tell you all that yesterday was 10 years exactly since I came to live with her. I can’t really remember much about my earlier life because I was only two when I came to the UK. I do know that I was left on my own a lot and I didn’t like that very much. I do moan about Nix a bit but I am glad that I came to live with her really because I don’t think she could cope without me 😘 Today has been more leisurely ie boring. The best bit was when Paul and Bear came to visit because we haven’t seen them for ages. Bear wanted to have my meerkat but he wasn’t allowed because that’s my hospital toy and I look after that very well.

Nix’s iPad Has Gone Completely Bonkers 🤣

 Well we’ve had a very busy day so far and I’m going to have to go and have a little lie down. First of all we went out very early so we could have a walk before we went over to the church for meditation. Then of course it was tea and croissant afterwards in the parish centre. We’d only been home about half an hour when we went out again with Indie from next door with her dad Barney and Jackie. Barney goes back to Ethiopia tomorrow and guess what…Indie’s staying here, she will be my proper neighbour 🙂 Nix had hot chocolate and Barney had coffee and they were both half way through before the realised they’d got each other’s drinks 🙄🤣 On the way back Indie got to practise her running because in Ethiopia she didn’t get chance to run very often.  Nix’s big iPad, her favourite has gone completely bonkers now. At first it wouldn’t let her in at all, told her to come back in five minutes 🤣🤣🤣   When it did finally let her in it started to type in the search bar ‘66’ and then thankfull

We are Praying for the Ukraine 🙏😪

 There are terrible things going on in a place called Ukraine at the moment. Nix says I’m not to be too flippant today, I shall try but I don’t actually know what that means. We are saying our prayers for the people that live there 😇🙏 We had a very wet walk this morning.  I made the mistake of digging up the towel on the bed before I got dried off properly. It was okay though, I just popped into the lounge and jumped up onto Nix’s lap and her new trousers blotted up all the rainwater in very quick time actually... I might try that every time 🤔 We had some hailstones this afternoon but then the sun came out so we have been for a lovely walk in the sunshine which was very nice.  Nix is having problems typing out the blog because she says the iPad has gone bonkers. It’s been typing stuff all on its own and showing photographs that no one wanted to see and then it dialled the emergency vet. Apparently it’s called ghost typing and it completely freaked Nix out, she thought someone had

All is Well With the World…

 Nix is out of the darkened room and all is well. I knew the one thing that would cheer her up was if I slept on her bed again. Thing is she’d already brought my day bed into the bedroom so I wouldn’t have to sleep on the bedroom floor. I quite like sleeping on the floor but Nix’s bed is more comfy so that’s where I spent the night. Nix was very happy, she likes it when I sleep on the bed at night and I like it too, but not when she coughs. So, my day bed is back in the lounge now and all is well with the world though I might sleep on the floor again.  Have to say I’m not too happy about Nix’s improved eyesight. She saw Otto the Labrador before I did this morning and I hadn’t even noticed there was a dog ahead of us. This does not bode well for the future. This afternoon I was certain I could see the BCJ ahead of us. I went all rigid in preparation for a scrap but turned out not to be the BCJ. Nix will try and tell you it was a woman with a shopping trolley but I can assure you it w

Nix is Lying Down in a Darkened Room…

 Nix is lying down in a darkened room and has left me to press ‘Post’ with one of my paws…the day has been just a bit stressful I think 🤔 My turkey mince didn’t arrive this morning and to add insult to injury they’d charged Nix a delivery fee when she had paid in advance. It did arrive eventually, over an hour late but Nix got a £25 voucher as a gesture of goodwill thingy so I am hoping that she will buy me a new bed for the bedroom 🙂 This may not happen as apparently I made the wait for the turkey mince a million times worse by sitting there and staring with my ‘I want to go out now’ look 😇 We drove to the river walk at lunchtime. It’s only the second time Nix has driven since the eye surgery so she was a little nervous. It isn’t very far and we had a lovely walk so it was all worth it.  When we got home Nix snuck out without me to the chemist to collect her eye drops. She had ordered them from the doctor last week as the hospital hadn’t given her enough…she says. It’s probably som

The Day Started off Really Well I Thought…

 The day started off really well I thought. It was very windy but even so we battled up the beach to the café. There was a new dog there, a brown curly one but not you know who. He was asking for trouble though, talk about pushy, I thought I might have to sort him out.  Everything seemed to go downhill once we got home. First of all Nix noticed that she’d been charged £25 for a prescription for my Propalin which is twice what she paid last time. She said she may as well have bought it direct from the vet but as she can’t drive that far til her other eye is done she will have to do it this way.  After that she phoned the house insurance company to see if the summerhouse was covered for the tiles blowing off the roof. She was thrilled to be told that yes she was covered. Not so thrilled to find out the excess was £200! Thing is it probably would be cheaper to get it done locally but we don’t really know anyone and all the ‘recommended’ people we’ve used in the past have been fairly usele

Mad Humans in the Sea…

 It’s very windy still today. Nix decided we should drive to church as it was too windy to walk along the beach. This was the first time she’s driven since she had her eye thingy done so I was just a little nervous. She said she could see a lot better than she could before and that everything was okay...phew.  She also said she couldn’t believe how much she could see in church, even the petals on the flowers. She said she could see people quite clearly right at the front of the church, not that that made any difference of course because of her face blindness she doesn’t recognise anyone anyway 🤣  Because we were driving to church we had an early walk along the beach before the wind picked up and made it dangerous. There were mad humans in the sea, Nix said they were very naughty because the sea was too rough even then.  Jackie next door has just messaged to say that some tiles have come off our summerhouse roof having told everyone we’ve had no damage 🙄 We’re lucky it wasn’t the bu

The Day After Storm Eunice…

  We had a lovely lie in this morning...well when I say ‘we’ what I really mean is Nix because as you know I am ready to go out bright and early. Why she was so tired I really don’t know because let’s face it she didn’t do a lot yesterday. Most of it was spent sitting around and complaining about the weather and how dirty the windows were but that’s humans for you. Anyway I let her have a little lie in before I made it clear in my own special way that I was ready to go out 😇 The weather was so much better today, still quite windy but the sun was out and it wasn’t too cold. We walked up the boardwalk to the old fort and stopped off at the Pollinator for a cup of tea and a croissant. The two Tibetan terriers were there and do you know, they get a whole croissant between them...that doesn’t seem very fair really.  Anyway I have a new trick that I thought you might like to hear about. There are these plants that grow on the beach that can make your tummy a bit upset if you eat them. No