Yesterday Was My Ten Year Gotcha Day, Nix Forgot to Tell You 🙄

 I think yesterday was very stressful for Nix because her iPad wasn’t working properly. She tried to get it fixed but seems like it needs a new screen so I don’t think that’s going to happen. The smaller one seems to be working okay at the moment but it also has a cracked screen so not sure how long that will last. Because she was so stressed  she completely forgot to tell you all that yesterday was 10 years exactly since I came to live with her. I can’t really remember much about my earlier life because I was only two when I came to the UK. I do know that I was left on my own a lot and I didn’t like that very much. I do moan about Nix a bit but I am glad that I came to live with her really because I don’t think she could cope without me 😘

Today has been more leisurely ie boring. The best bit was when Paul and Bear came to visit because we haven’t seen them for ages. Bear wanted to have my meerkat but he wasn’t allowed because that’s my hospital toy and I look after that very well. Nix brought that to me when I was in hospital for two weeks and it kept me company. 

My lovely top arrived from America courtesy of Susan Bosak who sent me an Amazon voucher. I was meant to get a new bed but Nix insisted it would be too big to ship so she bought herself a top instead. She likes it a lot so if she’s happy I’m happy.

Nix isn’t really allowed to drive yet until she’s had her checkup so we walked over the footbridge into town and the market was on so that was fun. We stopped off to pick up some frittata thingy with salad for Nix and all the way home she was imagining how tasty it was going to be with the salad she’d chosen. When she opened the box, guess what, no salad…that wouldn’t bother me 😇

The TV broke down yesterday, Nix blamed the Russians 🙄


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