The Day Started off Really Well I Thought…

 The day started off really well I thought. It was very windy but even so we battled up the beach to the café. There was a new dog there, a brown curly one but not you know who. He was asking for trouble though, talk about pushy, I thought I might have to sort him out. 

Everything seemed to go downhill once we got home. First of all Nix noticed that she’d been charged £25 for a prescription for my Propalin which is twice what she paid last time. She said she may as well have bought it direct from the vet but as she can’t drive that far til her other eye is done she will have to do it this way. 

After that she phoned the house insurance company to see if the summerhouse was covered for the tiles blowing off the roof. She was thrilled to be told that yes she was covered. Not so thrilled to find out the excess was £200! Thing is it probably would be cheaper to get it done locally but we don’t really know anyone and all the ‘recommended’ people we’ve used in the past have been fairly useless. At least this way we’ll get a proper job done rather than a patch up.  

As she was finishing her conversation with the insurance company our neighbour came round with a bag full of the roof tiles which had all landed in her garden. Nix finished her telephone conversation and turned round to take the tiles out to the garden but unfortunately she didn’t see her boots that she’d just taken off and tripped over them. She landed against the coffee table which went flying across the lounge and has hurt her arm and leg. Don’t worry she’s okay, nothing broken but can I just say, there was a lot of dust under that table 😱


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