Tea at the Bluebird Café

Major dramas here... the iPhone broke 😱😱😱 We had just got back from our walk and Nix was deciding which photos to put on the blog when it just went dead. I knew better than to be annoying as usual when we first get back so played quietly with my ball and then when things got hairy went for a kip in the bedroom. The Apple store is closed because of the virus thingy so there followed a very long telephone conversation with an Apple assistant. That didn’t go well as Nix was panicking and couldn’t really understand what the girl was telling her to do. The girl kept going off to ask someone else as she didn’t seem to know what she was doing either...it was a disaster darling. At least we’d had a decent walk first because this was going to take a long time. I’m sure you all remember the iPad fiasco where Nix had to send it back to Apple to get it fixed. Took her ages to work out which labels went where but she did do it in the end. Now we have to go through it all again ...