A Day of Rest

 So today is apparently a day of rest which is another excuse for me not getting a proper walk. We went to the beach this morning and I have to put in a formal complaint as there are no photos of moi, just one of a post which Nix thinks is artistic! 

When we got home Nix had her Zoom service so there was no chance of getting her out until that was finished. I was promised a ride to the woods but then that got cancelled because there were too many cars on the road all stuck in a long line so we had to turn round and come home. We went to the beach again instead and Nix took some selfies of us together to make up for the lack of photos of moi from this morning.  I hope you like them, you can edit Nix out, she won’t mind. 

We did walk all along the beach and there was a woman swimming in the sea. I think her clothes smelled of dog so obviously I had to empty my tank as I passed by. Unfortunately she saw me and started shouting, “Oh no, oh no, get him away...” Nix ignored her for as long as she could but then had to shout that she needn’t worry, we’d been out for hours and my tank was empty.  

I’m sorry my day was so boring, I shall try and be doubly entertaining tomorrow. 


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