Bit of a Boring Day so Far


Bit of a boring day so far. Nix had a Zoom thingie at 8am so I only got a quick march down the beach while it was still dark and I had to stay on my lead because she couldn’t see if the brown jobby was around. Disappointingly he wasn’t but my time will come. 

I managed to get her out again after the Zoom but only to do our normal beach walk. Must admit I was hoping for something a bit more ambitious. Never mind my turkey mince is being cooked as we speak and the sun’s come out so in a minute I shall commence the ‘stare’ and I can guarantee she will give in very quickly. 

There are still lots of lorries on the beach moving my pebbles around. Nix thinks it’s hilarious that the houses on the beach in Lancing have notices on their walls to say the bit of beach in front of their house is private. Well they don’t have any beach any longer since the very high tides so the pebbles from our beach will be shipped over to build them a new one. I’m thinking that will be my beach now and there’s nothing they can do about it. Having said that I’ve always treated it as my beach anyway. 

Nix called me a drama queen last night and all because I was traumatised by a bang that she couldn’t hear. She was trying to get me to go back to asleep but I felt it my civic duty to listen for another one. I waited a long time and was being really annoying apparently but had to give up in the end and go to sleep. Did I tell you that when I have a poo I can swing one of my back legs backwards and forwards. Nix says if there was a Strictly for dogs I could be on it.


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