Very Drizzly Today But We Still Made It To The Park

You know that plant I was eating yesterday and am indeed just a little bit obsessed with…well the rather clever Sharon Virginia Hammond told Nix it was called Pellitory-of-the-wall. She told her that it can be used for kidney issues and when Nix Googled it she saw it was for kidney stones. Bearing in mind that the reason I went into kidney failure all those years ago was a collection of kidney stones, I hope I shall now receive the due recognition that I am truly brilliant…a one off as Nix refers to me 🙂 Nix has spoken to Bron my vet who is very happy that I have found the plant so thank you St Mary de Haura, Shoreham for letting this grow in your churchyard. I shall be making daily visits until Nix can grow some in our garden and we might even take a tiny little cutting if that’s okay, it wouldn’t really be stealing would it? Anyway enough of my brilliance, we had a visitor today. The doorbell rang and someone started banging. I didn’t actually hear it as I was asle...