Café This Morning…


Did you know that I can actually trot very quickly. There’s no way Nix can keep up with me so I can basically do anything I want to. This pleases me greatly, Nix not so much 🤣 I particularly like to stop and turn around just as we’re reaching the exit Nix wishes to leave by. Just before she can grab me I take off again on to the next exit. For some reason this always really annoys her and she tries to make out she’s really busy and needs to get back…for what I have no idea. 

To be fair we did have the café this morning and we were collecting Janet and Trish on the way. This means of course that I have to give up half of my space in the back of the car but I don’t mind. Having said I don’t mind I do really so no one should be surprised that as soon as someone gets out I climb into the front to my rightful place on the passenger seat. Things were very busy in the café, we had lots of visitors. We had two entire families with grand parents and parents and children. We ran out of biscuits quite quickly so that wasn’t very good. 

This afternoon we just went to Buckingham Park but there were lots of dogs there so I had a great time. It’s more difficult for Nix to get me to pose these days because I don’t hear her call me. I don’t hear her even for a treat so she has to grab photos when I stand still for long enough. She took some of me at home to make up for it so I hope you like them. She took some photos of sweet peas too, I have no idea why. 

Coffee with Jackie and Indie tomorrow so really looking forward to that 🙂


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