Wet and Windy Today…

 Miserable old day today, rain, rain and more rain. When we walk down the boardwalk in the mornings Nix always steps to one side when the joggers come down. Sometimes they say thank you but mostly they just charge past. Nix says it’s because they’ve got their ear thingies in but I don’t think that’s a good enough excuse to be rude do you? So… I make sure I don’t move out of their way when they come towards me, I just put my head down and keep on walking. Nix tells me off but I don’t think she means it because I think she’d like to do the same thing but knowing her luck they’d crash straight into her. 

When we were having our walk round the block before we went into church we met a very nice standard poodle. He was a rescue and a very old couple had owned him first and he hadn’t really met any other dogs. He seemed to like me but the owner said he wasn’t very good with smaller dogs as he saw them as a meal…that’s not very good is it! We bumped into Richard with Bollo on our walk and I was only a little bit nervous. Everything went fine though so I won’t be so nervous next time. 

This afternoon we waited for it to stop raining and then we had a walk over the bridge into town. The beach would have been too windy so even though I had to stay on my lead, we didn’t get blown over. There’s one particular plant that grows by St Mary de Haura that I like to eat. Nix doesn’t know what it is so if anyone has any ideas please let her know. She only lets me eat a bit of it just in case. 

PS The intruder is back and he’s dug up the sea kale. He must have snuck into the garden when Nix was ignoring me when I wanted her to play with my toys with me. She said she just wanted to sit quietly for one minute and I should go into the garden and keep myself busy!


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