Nix is Bored…Very Bored 🙄

 When we were out for our last walk of the evening yesterday there was a big black Labrador ahead of me. I picked up speed as I wanted to get a closer inspection as I suspected he had a couple of things that I don’t have which is always annoying. He hadn’t seen me so was going about his business looking for somewhere to pee. He finally found the perfect bush and cocked his leg. I arrived at the same time and when he saw me he just went static, like a statue. He stood there for ages with his leg cocked but he wasn’t actually peeing. Nix said he looked petrified of me, his eyes were wide and that was my fault apparently because I give off the wrong vibes. It made Nix laugh anyway so it was worth it. 

Today Nix is bored…very bored and don’t we all know it. There is a lot of sighing going on and complaints that she has nothing to do. I suppose she can’t really watch TV or read because her eyes aren’t working properly and it could be a few more weeks before they get fixed. She’s meant to be clearing out all the drawers but the chances of that happening are slim and so I have to put up with the huffing and puffing. Never mind, she did sort out some stuff for the charity shop so I expect we’ll drop that off tomorrow as I fell asleep today. 

This afternoon we went to Southwick Hill. There was a man there with quite a few dogs. They were only small but they didn’t look very friendly. He put two of them on the lead when he saw us coming. He said they were too friendly but I’m not sure that was correct. Shortly afterwards we met a really nice Otterhound, I really liked her and she was very friendly. I hope I meet her again…🙂


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