Very Drizzly Today But We Still Made It To The Park


You know that plant I was eating yesterday and am indeed just a little bit obsessed with…well the rather clever Sharon Virginia Hammond told Nix it was called Pellitory-of-the-wall. She told her that it can be used for kidney issues and when Nix Googled it she saw it was for kidney stones.  Bearing in mind that the reason I went into kidney failure all those years ago was a collection of kidney stones, I hope I shall now receive the due recognition that I am truly brilliant…a one off as Nix refers to me 🙂 Nix has spoken to Bron my vet who is very happy that I have found the plant so thank you St Mary de Haura, Shoreham for letting this grow in your churchyard. I shall be making daily visits until Nix can grow some in our garden and we might even take a tiny little cutting if that’s okay, it wouldn’t really be stealing would it? 

Anyway enough of my brilliance, we had a visitor today. The doorbell rang and someone started banging. I didn’t actually hear it as I was asleep,and as you know just a bit deaf these days. Nix went to the door and there was a rather scruffy man outside saying he was doing an ‘old chap’s’ drive up the road and would Nix like her drive done. Nix said that she’d just had it done and this rather rude man pointed at Nix’s Valerian and said, “Well they didn’t make a very good job of it, leaving all them weeds there.” Nix was horrified and informed the man that the Valerian was not a weed but actually one of our natural fauna self planted from the beach. He looked at Nix as if she was mad and then pointed at the wild poppies and said, “Well you need to get rid of them there weeds…” to which Nix politely refused and closed the door. Pity I slept through it really, I could have scared him off. 

We have been out in the drizzle. I wore my red coat this morning to the beach and probably good that I did as I did go slightly off piste. Nix was able to spot me in my red coat even though I’d headed the wrong way down the beach 🫢 We went up to Tescos later on but couldn’t park anywhere so headed for Buckingham Park which was much more fun. It was all wet and drizzly and the man was mowing the grass but I still had a good time. There were two greyhounds and they always make me go a bit bouncy but I have to be careful these days as I have a tendency to fall over as the old balance isn’t as good as it was. I got the blame for leaving grass all over the floor…this was a miscarriage of justice and I have the photo to prove it. 

Café tomorrow morning, we had a lot of visitors last week, three generations from one family from Scotland …naturally I was very popular 🙂


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