
Showing posts from March, 2023

No Blog Today, Nix Is Poorly πŸ˜ͺ

 No blog today, sorry…Nix has tested positive for Covid and she’s poorly in bed. She has taken me round the block twice but it’s very windy and wet. I’ve never known Nix take herself off to bed so it must be bad...she says she misses her mum hence the photo of them together πŸ₯°

Airport Today And I Got My Paws On My Elephant…

 So…apparently it’s really annoying when I go in the opposite direction to Nix. I personally can’t seem to grasp the problem, I mean is this my walk or is it Nix’s. The way I see it is that it’s my walk so I go wherever I want and Nix is meant to follow. For reason best known to herself she seems to think it should be the other way round πŸ™„Anyone know any good human trainers, positive reinforcement should work I think, Cadbury’s Chocolate Nibbles probably🀣 We went to Cafe_no8 at the airport this afternoon and Nix had a veggie sausage sandwich. I like it there because we can watch the planes but more importantly they have lots of doggy treats and oh yes…they have lemon drizzle for Nix.  After the cafΓ© we went back to the recreation ground but the fair is still there and Nix doesn’t like me getting too close in case I take off and get lost. We took a trip along the river instead but the tide was right out so no chance of a paddle.  Nix has been arguing with her printer for most of the a

Rita Day Today 🀣

 We’ve been busy today so we’re very late…sorry. This morning was very misty, we could hear the fog horns out at sea. It was a bit drizzly too so not very nice but I did find two balls. One was a bit yellow and metallic and it didn’t want to come with me, it had chains and things. I then found a rather nice tennis ball which was very pale. I think it had been over to France and back a few times. I was going to bring it home with me but I put it down to have a wee and forgot to pick it up again.  We walked into town at lunchtime so Nix could go to the bank to change the 50 dollar bill. Remember the other day they told her they could put it into her account but she didn’t have her bank card. Well…we went back today with the bank card but that wasn’t any good either because it was a different bank. Looks like I won’t be getting my new bed any time soon though she is now looking for a bureau de change…that’s French πŸ™‚ This afternoon Rita has been to visit and then we went with her to the p

The Smoked Mackerel Arrived Today πŸ˜‹

 Gosh it’s a miserable day but I am very happy. I have to thank Julie Speed who sent Nix a photo of a fabulous bed that she might never have seen otherwise. I love it, it’s like a big paw and it’s got its own headboard too 😴 I think I’ve talked Nix round because I saw her looking at it. At first she thought she wouldn’t be able to keep it clean but guess what, it’s got a removable cushion so all you have to wash is the cushion cover. With my other donut beds Nix has to pull the sausage thingy out of the sides too so she can get the cover into the washing machine. Well you know how lazy she is, the thought of never having to wrestle with that sausage ever again has won her over. We must also thank Ginny Tennyson as she sent Nix some money to buy me a new yellow coat and between her and Nix, and the fact they live on either side of the pond, Nix has ended up with twice the amount she was meant to have. Ginny doesn’t want it back so what better way to spend it than on a new bed pour moi…

We’ve Got A Donkey Coming To Church πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  I am very excited, guess what? On Sunday 2nd April we have a donkey coming to church. I dont expect he will actually come into the church like moi but he is joining our Palm Sunday procession. He is coming from East Clayton farm and I hope I shall be able to meet him because I really like donkeys. Nix will have to ask his human first of course but I’m really hoping they say yes. After the procession we are all going to have lunch in the church hall but I expect the donkey will have to go home as I’m not sure there will be room for him in the hall. We might be getting Leo, he’s 22 years old but there are lots of donkeys at the farm some of them looking for homes. I wish we could have one but Nix says we don’t have room. We haven’t been anywhere in the car today as Nix has been a bit busy. She has her last lent course this evening and Rita will be sitting with me so that will be good…I usually go to sleep 😴 We’ve been down to the beach again this afternoon as the sun came out and it w

Lazy Sunday But There Were Custard Creams

 So the usual Sunday stuff, walk up the beach, then church and coffee afterwards and then another little walk. Nix thinks I will then go home and sleep for the rest of the afternoon…I think not πŸ˜‡ I did get a custard cream in the church hall so I’ll give her an extra half hour for that. She’ll soon get the idea, the more custard creams I get, the longer I sleep for.  We’ve just got back from Buckingham Park where I saw two different dogs with only three legs. One had the front one missing and he was really fast. The other one had a back leg missing and was a bit slower. They would have been my prime targets in the old days 🫒My favourite adversary when I lived in Hove was a little white dog with neurological problems. He walked really funny and it freaked me out a bit so I say when in doubt, knock ‘em over. It didn’t go down well with either Nix or the owner but a Beardie’s got to do what a Beardie’s got to do πŸ€— There was a lot of football going on at the park hence it was very muddy.

Trip To The Pet Shop Today πŸ™‚

 There was a bit of a double incident last night. Nix and I were doing our last walk round the block (anti clockwise) and we were just approaching the BCJ’s house and who should we see walking towards us but ‘him’ heading in a clockwise direction 😀 Look I don’t like him, he walks round like he owns the place and I need to put him in his place. It’s quite hard to do that when Nix is trying to drag me away but I did my best. Can you believe that as we were walking back down our road there he was again…in my road. Yes I know I go down his road but that’s different, we need to keep an eye on his house sale. We’ve got gas works in our street so there’s only pavements open on one side. This was my big chance, one quick lunge and I could have had him. Rather unbelievably his owner walked into the road with him and hid behind a parked car. I feel cheated but there’s always the next time πŸ€” We’re having a quiet day today as we have been quite busy, well Nix has been quite busy, me not so much.

Three Cornered Copse Today πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

 Why is Nix’s life so complicated? On 6th December 2022 Ginny Tennyson in the US messaged to say that she would really like to buy me the yellow coat that I had admired. She wasn’t having much success with Amazon and didn’t want to use PayPal so it was decided that she would pay the money into Nix’s bank account. That didn’t work so well either so she decided she would send a money order instead. So Nix went ahead and ordered the yellow coat and you have seen me wear it many times.  The money order finally arrived and got put on one side until Nix could get to the local post office. Once she got there she was told they couldn’t cash it and she had to go to the main post office. This means having to leave me on my own so it was a week or so until she got there. They told her they couldn’t cash it either and that she had to go to a bank. A few days later Nix and I headed into town to the only bank we have left but they wouldn’t change it either and told Nix that she had to go to her own

We Had A Seal On The Beach Today

  We had a seal on the beach today. We didn’t see it but someone took a photo of it warning everyone to keep away and keep their dogs away. I’d have liked to have seen it because I think we would get on. Let’s face it you can’t really knock a seal over because they don’t have any proper legs. I think I should like to be friends with it, I wouldn’t have been allowed to say hello though.  Nix is feeling guilty because she never wants to play with me with the toys when we get back from a walk. All she wants to do is sit down with a cup of tea and a biscuit but I am never tired and want to have a game. Something has changed since she watched Coronation Street last night where Cerberus the greyhound had to be put to sleep. She cried a lot which is a bit silly really because Corrie is only a soap opera and Ciberus is still with us. Anyway she decided she needed to spend more time playing with me so it’s a win win πŸ™‚  We’ve had three walks so far today because I was being annoying apparently.

Rain Rain Go Away ☔️

 It’s rained quite a lot today and so we haven’t really been anywhere interesting. I had to stay on my lead this morning because the sea was very rough and obviously Nix didn’t want me swept away…I could have ended up back in France.  There must have been an intruder in the house because Monkey has lost his squeaker and let’s face it, most of his stuffing too. I expect it’s the same intruder who digs up the garden. I do have quite a lot of toys so I didn’t mind too much and I do know that feeling when you just want to rip things apart.  Nix and I have had lots of cuddles today, I like that and I did fall asleep on her lap, I think my teeth might be showing a bit. I have a funny bit of hair that is sticking out from under my nose and it’s been annoying me a bit because it tickles and when I lick it, it disappears up my nose. Nix has been trying to cut it off for days now but I don’t trust her with those scissors. It’s good to be back on the sofa again though and I have my eye on the new