Trip To The Pet Shop Today 🙂

 There was a bit of a double incident last night. Nix and I were doing our last walk round the block (anti clockwise) and we were just approaching the BCJ’s house and who should we see walking towards us but ‘him’ heading in a clockwise direction 😤 Look I don’t like him, he walks round like he owns the place and I need to put him in his place. It’s quite hard to do that when Nix is trying to drag me away but I did my best. Can you believe that as we were walking back down our road there he was again…in my road. Yes I know I go down his road but that’s different, we need to keep an eye on his house sale. We’ve got gas works in our street so there’s only pavements open on one side. This was my big chance, one quick lunge and I could have had him. Rather unbelievably his owner walked into the road with him and hid behind a parked car. I feel cheated but there’s always the next time 🤔

We’re having a quiet day today as we have been quite busy, well Nix has been quite busy, me not so much. We did start off on the beach but it was so windy we had to come home along the road. I was hoping for a sighting of you know who but no such luck, he was obviously tucked up in bed. Nix said she was relieved we didn’t see him because she’s not sure her nerves can take the strain 🤣

We went into town to see the market but I think it was too windy for the stalls. They had it in a big building instead but they don’t allow dogs in there so as we were so close to the pet shop, I talked Nix into going there instead. I got to choose/steal my own treat and Nix chose me a new monkey though I’m not certain it is a monkey. I’m not bothered, it’s got stuffing and a squeaker 😇

It’s only 1.30pm and the sun’s just come out. I tried to wangle another walk just now but to no avail but I think we will go to the park at teatime. Nix tells me that from tomorrow we shall have lots of extra daylight in the evenings so I shall be expecting even more walks 😉


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