Lazy Sunday But There Were Custard Creams

 So the usual Sunday stuff, walk up the beach, then church and coffee afterwards and then another little walk. Nix thinks I will then go home and sleep for the rest of the afternoon…I think not 😇 I did get a custard cream in the church hall so I’ll give her an extra half hour for that. She’ll soon get the idea, the more custard creams I get, the longer I sleep for. 

We’ve just got back from Buckingham Park where I saw two different dogs with only three legs. One had the front one missing and he was really fast. The other one had a back leg missing and was a bit slower. They would have been my prime targets in the old days 🫢My favourite adversary when I lived in Hove was a little white dog with neurological problems. He walked really funny and it freaked me out a bit so I say when in doubt, knock ‘em over. It didn’t go down well with either Nix or the owner but a Beardie’s got to do what a Beardie’s got to do 🤗

There was a lot of football going on at the park hence it was very muddy. I quite like it, it’s allowed me to make pretty paw prints on the towel. I was thinking of starting a cottage industry except we don’t live in a cottage. Maybe I could start a bungalow business, I think that sounds better. I think people would like my paw print on their towels and Nix could hire me out and I could do their sofas too. I could charge per paw maybe…this is where having four legs is better than only having three 😇


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