I Stayed on my Own for Over an Hour Today…I Don’t Really Like It π

Lots of pictures of moi today not doing very much because we haven’t actually done very much. I suppose we did go to the beach this morning and then I suppose we did go back to the beach again at lunchtime and I suppose I did get a quick walk round the block before Nix went off to her meeting. I stayed on my own for over an hour this afternoon and I was a very good boy but I was very glad when Nix got home. Tomorrow morning I am going to see my vet Bron because my abscess has started leaking again and it’s got a lump round it. Bron said the vet I saw first did the right thing by not putting me on antibiotics. In vet speak she said, ‘antibiotic stewardship suggests no antibiotics for open draining abscesses’ whatever that means. She said she doesn’t want to risk any infection travelling to my SUB or my kidneys so I have started the antibiotics again. She says I’m different…I like being different π It’s a shame I have to start the antibiotics again because I’ve only ...