I Am in the Extremely Bad Books 😱

 Oh dear…oops 🤭 I am in the extremely bad books in fact my copy book is well and truly blotted. You know Nix filled all the holes in yesterday that the big cat made. Well if I might say so it wasn’t very tidy and I just thought I would even it out a little bit. I didn’t mean to get right down to the roots of the Clematis but it would seem that I did. Honestly when Nix came out I was trying to put all the soil back but she didn’t give me chance to explain…she was very mad 😱 I was told to go inside immediately and the door was closed. I’ve been stuck inside all day, well apart from the walk down the river.

It’s all started off so well too. I was again allowed to walk down the fine shingle to get to the sand and we had a lovely walk along the beach. It was when we got back that the problem started. Nix was panicking because the insurance company are coming to fix the roof of the Summerhouse and she didn’t want it to look scruffy and uncared for inside. She’s had everything out and hoovered and washed the floors and you know how much she hates cleaning. She was already in a bad mood without the assistance of moi trying to repair the damage done by the big cat.  

I was going to play it cool and sleep in my new bed and generally keep out of her way. After a little while though I did get up on the sofa next to her and laid my head in her lap. Do you know what, she completely ignored me even when I rolled over on my back and patted her on the face with my paw. In the end I sat staring at the front door knowing that she’d think I needed the poopies and so we finally got out on a walk to the river.  I do like to bark a lot as we reverse out of the drive but Nix had said to me, “Don’t even think about barking…” so I didn’t 🤭

To add insult to injury the Rec has been taken over by the funfair 😕


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