Vets Today With my Damaged Neck 😕

 The sun is out but Nix and I are resting indoors in the shade as we’re quite tired. We went to early morning meditation and it was very nice to see everyone and to have the croissants afterwards which is my favourite bit.

We hadn’t been home long when we had to leave again to see the vet about my neck. Nix had found a big lump and everyone was worried about it except me and it didn’t hurt. Bron wasn’t there today so we saw a different vet but she was very nice. She had a good look at my neck and said that it looked like an abscess and so she shaved around it and cleaned it all up for me but she said that I don’t need to go on antibiotics as it is already healing. Jean came too and we stopped at Hove park for some tea and cake afterwards which was lovely…it was lemon and blueberry sponge. Nix forgot to take photos in the park because she was too busy talking but the receptionist at the vets took a photo of all of us. 

Nix is a bit worried because I’ve lost weight again. Personally I think she’s just jealous because she just gets fatter and fatter while I get slimmer and slimmer. I weighed 18.8 kilos so nearly 19 which isn’t too bad though Nix prefers me to be getting on for 20. The vet stuck something up my bottom which I did not like, Bron doesn’t do that 🤔

Sainsbury’s didn’t bring my butternut squash chunks this week so Nix had to buy fresh ones. She is doing battle with them right at this moment so she can cook my dinners...I’m taking it easy 😇


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