I Missed the BCJ Twice!!!

 We’ve had a very leisurely day today and I’ve quite liked it. It is rather hot when the sun is out so I’ve been laying in the shade in the garden while Nix has been reading her book. Can I just say that there is a cat on the cover of the book, I don’t know what’s that’s all about plus Nix falls asleep after about two pages so it’s going to be a long read 🙄

News of Shelle my groomer who was driving out to Romania to take doggie goodies like food and beds for the pets who had fled Ukraine with their owners. They reached there and it’s been very sad but a nice story is that as they were driving Shelle spotted a black dog in the trees at the side of the road. They stopped the van and Shelle went and got him. He’d been hit by a car but he’s recovering now and he’s safe. As you know there are many homeless dogs in Romania and now they have lots from Ukraine too 😪 Shelle is off to the Hungarian Polish border today to drop off clothes then she will be coming home.

Guess what, apparently I missed the BCJ last night, I am absolutely furious 😳 We were walking around the block and we always cross over the road when we get near where he lives just in case. I was having a good old sniff and Nix thought she saw someone going into the house where he lives.  She turned round to have a good look and she realised they had the BCG with them. I knew nothing of this and I wasn’t informed until we got home and I’m absolutely furious, it’s just not good enough 🤣 Can you believe it happened again today when we were walking back over the bridge. Again I was having a sniff, minding my own business when who should walk past but the BCJ!  I didn’t see him, it was only because Nix suddenly turned round and started dragging me off in the opposite direction that I knew something was up. I kicked off a bit, just enough to embarrass her but to be honest I didn’t really know why I was doing it. That’s twice in two days I’ve missed him, third time lucky that’s what I say.  I wee’d up a parked bicycle outside a café and Nix got told off 🤭

My neck is much better today and Nix says I won’t need antibiotics which I’m glad about. I don’t eat very well when I have to take them and Nix says I need to put on a little bit of extra weight…she just wants me to catch up with her 🤣


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