Still no Petrol, We’re off to Brighton Tomorrow on the Train 👏

Soooooo… another day without petrol and another day of Nix being bored. I am fine you understand, I don’t care where we go as long as we go somewhere. Nix on the other hand needs to be entertained constantly and walks round the block don’t suit her at all. We have walked down the beach and we’ve walked down to the river but Nix says she’s just not inspired to take photos. I slept on the sofa with her today and had lots of cuddles and she took photos of me asleep…I think that’s a bit weird 🤔 We did sell the loo and washbasin this afternoon so that paid for the handyman with a bit left over so tomorrow we’re going to get the train into Brighton and celebrate. I shall make sure I pose in lots of places so you can see where we’ve been. It’s been very windy here but tomorrow should be nice and sunny. Our Friday morning meditation is moving from the vicarage garden to the big church over the footbridge. I’ll tell Nix to get lots of photos of the inside of the church as we’ve all only ...