
Showing posts from September, 2021

Still no Petrol, We’re off to Brighton Tomorrow on the Train 👏

 Soooooo… another day without petrol and another day of Nix being bored. I am fine you understand, I don’t care where we go as long as we go somewhere. Nix on the other hand needs to be entertained constantly and walks round the block don’t suit her at all. We have walked down the beach and we’ve walked down to the river but Nix says she’s just not inspired to take photos. I slept on the sofa with her today and had lots of cuddles and she took photos of me asleep…I think that’s a bit weird 🤔 We did sell the loo and washbasin this afternoon so that paid for the handyman with a bit left over so tomorrow we’re going to get the train into Brighton and celebrate. I shall make sure I pose in lots of places so you can see where we’ve been. It’s been very windy here but tomorrow should be nice and sunny. Our Friday morning meditation is moving from the vicarage garden to the big church over the footbridge. I’ll tell Nix to get lots of photos of the inside of the church as we’ve all only ...

I”ve Got Shelves for all my Beardie Paraphernalia 😇

 Can I just say that it is quite difficult to write a blog about my day when moi hasn’t actually done anything. Well when I say I haven’t done anything I don’t mean I haven’t done anything at all, just not as much as moi is used to. The day started with a walk down the boardwalk and then home to wait for the handyman to come and put up my shelf and a couple for Nix as well. He’s called Brian and he works for a company called ‘Rent-A-Hubby. He parked his van in our drive for four hours so Nix isn’t sure what the neighbours must have thought 🤣 Anyway my shelves are up, notice I used the plural as I have two shelves. Apparently I have far too much paraphernalia and it wouldn’t all fit on one shelf. I have a box to keep my leads and harnesses in and another one for my grooming kit. My coats took up quite a lot of room and my throws needed a shelf all to themselves 😇 Once the shelves were finished we put some paintings and hanging things on the wall. This was mainly because they alway...

Still no Petrol and now it’s Raining 🙄

  So still no petrol and still raining but guess what, the new front door does not leak 👏👏👏 All this rain and lack of petrol does not make for the most exciting day of my life. On top of that we had to wait in for the man to come and take the toilet away so we can have lots of shelves and one is especially for moi.  Nix says she will put my name on it and I can have all my coats on there and my leads and harnesses when I’m not using them and my towels of course for when I’m wet which is most days. Tomorrow another man comes to put up the shelves and I hope he doesn’t take too long because the sun will be out and we can go for a nice long walk.  Today we went down the beach very early to be back in time for the plumber man…he came at 1pm! After he left we went for a walk down by he houseboats and over to the rec so I did get some time off lead when we got there. I don’t think Nix likes the on lead walks because she’s a slower walker than moi and quite frankly she’s a bi...

The Humans have all Gone Mad and Taken all the Petrol 🙄

 The humans have all gone mad and bought all the petrol and now there is none left for us. Nix said she’s got just enough in case there’s an emergency and we need to get to the vets but I’m not expecting any emergencies.  Nix on the other hand expects them all the time 🙄 We are now limited to walks around here but I don’t mind as long as I get out lots of times. To make up for the lack of scenery I posed for lots of photos and I had my hair groomed especially so you can see my eye in one of them 🤣 When we were walking along the beach a lady walking towards us said my tail in the wind looked like a cape from a distance and was I a superhero… obviously the answer was yes, just call me Superdog 😇 Nix embarrassed herself on the way to the beach. We met a Rottweiler puppy called Ernie and he was very sweet. Nix mentioned to his owner that there was one that lived on the beach who was very scary and he used to bark and growl and try and get over his fence when we walked past. The...

No Petrol so no Sunday Trips Out 😕

  So we had the church quiz last night and considering we had two vicars on our team I’m surprised we came last…where is God when you need Him 😇  I don’t want to pass the blame but one of the questions was London landmarks and Nix lived in London for most of her life. She worked opposite Selfridges for many years and it was her go to store and she couldn’t even recognise it…shocking, no wonder we lost.  They had to have a tie breaker for last place and we even lost that. I shall choose to be on someone else’s team next time where there is less alcohol involved 😇 I slept through most of church this morning and I was very brave when the organ made a strange noise. It did scare me but the other dogs in church weren’t bothered so I was very brave and tried to ignore it. I prefer it when we sing songs outside and Tony plays the accordion…très Français  🇫🇷 Today we haven’t been able to drive anywhere because we don’t have enough petrol and the buses have all been diver...

Bit of an Incident with a Black Labrador 🤭

  We haven’t done a lot today, Nix fell asleep on the sofa again. She should sit up straight to watch the TV because she always falls asleep when she lies down. Anyway we did go to the beach this morning, that was okay but on the way home there was a bit of an incident. There was this big black Labrador strutting down our road like he owned the place. He had that manly smell about him that I don’t like. Nix noticed that I’d gone a bit rigid so she held on tight just in case. I waited until we’d passed him then attempted a mount from behind Nix’s back. This unsteadied her and she nearly fell over but I scared the Labrador’s owner so much she jumped to one side. Now if you’re pushing a baby in a buggy you shouldn’t really be jumping about, that’s very dangerous. I of course got the blame as usual, I mean is it my fault if Nix is clumsy and  mothers pushing babies start jumping around all over the place. I rest my case 😇 We had another walk this afternoon but tonight we are goin...

There’s No Petrol 😱

 Last night we went for a sunset walk on the beach. Nix took a photo of our road as we were leaving. By the time we got to the beach it was dark so no photos of moi in the sunset... as I’ve said many times before I simply can’t get the staff 🙄  Nix did manage to get some photos on our walk to church this morning, it was very sunny and the moon was shining brightly in the sky too. I found a stone to do the poopies on as Nix hurt her back a bit and didn’t want to bend…I am so thoughtful 😇 My walk today was cut short because guess what…there is no petrol. We were on our way to one of my favourite walks and as there were no queues at the petrol station Nix decided to stop and fill up. Thing is, the reason there were no queues was because there wasn’t any petrol 🙄 We had to go to our end of the river instead which is nearer so we could save petrol… why can’t the humans get their act together, you don’t see us dogs running out of things… 😇 At least Nix has enough petrol to get h...

Preston Park for Lunch…

  We’ve had a very busy day today, probably to make up for yesterday which was very boring. Nix must have felt guilty because we went out for a late evening walk yesterday and went to the little wood on the recreation ground. I think that’s where I got all the burrs from but more of that later 😇 This morning we went to the beach for low tide and then home again for a nice nap in the summerhouse. Then I had to see the vet for my dew claw this afternoon so Nix was brushing my tail before we went when she found a whole bunch of burrs caught in there. She managed to get them all out and so we left early and went to Preston Park for a walk and lunch at the Rotunda Café.  When we got to the vets Nix still wasn’t allowed inside which she says is ridiculous these days. Anyway I had to see a different vet because auntie Bron wasn’t there but I was still a very good boy and I trotted off with her. This was just to lull her into a false sense of security because I do not like my claws b...

Sitting Around All Day…Very Boring 🙄

 If I have to sit around all day doing nothing for much longer Nix will have to become a fiction writer. There’s always an excuse of course, today’s was waiting in for someone to come and paint something. I suppose we did go down to the beach this morning and I had quite a good time there and then I managed to wangle another short walk before lunch because Nix’s painter wasn’t coming until 1pm. Oh yes I did just get another quick walk round the block because Nix wants to go in for a swim soon and she feels guilty at leaving me but she’s promised when she gets back we can go for a really nice long walk this evening. I have therefore posed for photos today of moi on my best behaviour of course.  I bumped into a lamppost on the way back from the beach and banged my nose…Nix says it’s my own fault because I’m always looking in any other direction than the way I’m going. She doesn’t understand that I need eyes in the back of my head where that BCJ is concerned. My nose is okay, ...