Sitting Around All Day…Very Boring ๐Ÿ™„

 If I have to sit around all day doing nothing for much longer Nix will have to become a fiction writer. There’s always an excuse of course, today’s was waiting in for someone to come and paint something. I suppose we did go down to the beach this morning and I had quite a good time there and then I managed to wangle another short walk before lunch because Nix’s painter wasn’t coming until 1pm. Oh yes I did just get another quick walk round the block because Nix wants to go in for a swim soon and she feels guilty at leaving me but she’s promised when she gets back we can go for a really nice long walk this evening. I have therefore posed for photos today of moi on my best behaviour of course. 

I bumped into a lamppost on the way back from the beach and banged my nose…Nix says it’s my own fault because I’m always looking in any other direction than the way I’m going. She doesn’t understand that I need eyes in the back of my head where that BCJ is concerned. My nose is okay, it was just a little bump which is a good thing because I’m getting no sympathy here.

Tomorrow I am going to the vet to have my dew claw trimmed. We forgot to do it when I got my flush and it’s gone all curly. Did I tell you too that I’ve also started growing another weird horn in the same place as the one that fell off the end of my tail. It looks just like a dew claw, I’ll post a photo.


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