Still no Petrol and now it’s Raining πŸ™„


So still no petrol and still raining but guess what, the new front door does not leak πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ All this rain and lack of petrol does not make for the most exciting day of my life. On top of that we had to wait in for the man to come and take the toilet away so we can have lots of shelves and one is especially for moi.  Nix says she will put my name on it and I can have all my coats on there and my leads and harnesses when I’m not using them and my towels of course for when I’m wet which is most days. Tomorrow another man comes to put up the shelves and I hope he doesn’t take too long because the sun will be out and we can go for a nice long walk. 

Today we went down the beach very early to be back in time for the plumber man…he came at 1pm! After he left we went for a walk down by he houseboats and over to the rec so I did get some time off lead when we got there. I don’t think Nix likes the on lead walks because she’s a slower walker than moi and quite frankly she’s a bit of a dawdler. I saw a cat down by the houseboats, I really wanted to pretend to chase it but there was a bit of a drop and knowing how clumsy Nix is, she’d definitely have ended up down at the bottom. 

I got burrs stuck in my freshly shampooed tail and they were not easy to get out. Don’t let Nix know that I’m telling you this but she didn’t even notice they were there. So much for telling that vet that she checks after every walk…that was a fib. Anyway if she hadn’t come in and taken a photo of me sleeping she still wouldn’t know they were there…that’s shocking 😱


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