There’s No Petrol 😱

 Last night we went for a sunset walk on the beach. Nix took a photo of our road as we were leaving. By the time we got to the beach it was dark so no photos of moi in the sunset... as I’ve said many times before I simply can’t get the staff πŸ™„ 

Nix did manage to get some photos on our walk to church this morning, it was very sunny and the moon was shining brightly in the sky too. I found a stone to do the poopies on as Nix hurt her back a bit and didn’t want to bend…I am so thoughtful πŸ˜‡

My walk today was cut short because guess what…there is no petrol. We were on our way to one of my favourite walks and as there were no queues at the petrol station Nix decided to stop and fill up. Thing is, the reason there were no queues was because there wasn’t any petrol πŸ™„ We had to go to our end of the river instead which is nearer so we could save petrol… why can’t the humans get their act together, you don’t see us dogs running out of things… πŸ˜‡ At least Nix has enough petrol to get her flu jab tomorrow. 

I didn’t tell you yesterday we found a little white dog running across the road by the beach. Two cars had to stop for it and everyone was looking for it’s owner. It was very nervous so I helped Nix herd it back onto the beach where it would be safe from cars. When we got there Nix saw three ladies coming out of the sea and the dog ran up to them. Nix explained that the dog had nearly been hit by a car and the lady who owned the dog said nothing. She didn’t thank us for bringing him safely back and didn’t even seem relieved to see him. Nix told the owner if she found the dog running across the road again she was going to call the dog warden and she could pay to get him out of the doggy place they would take him to. 

Nix said we might go somewhere on the bus tomorrow so that will be fun, I shall like that πŸ˜‡


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