
Showing posts from July, 2024

Been Tucking In To Pellitory-on-the-Wall 😋

  Nix and I think it’s a bit weird not going on our long walks any longer. I don’t mind so much because I just go to sleep when we get home but Nix says she’s bored. She has a bit more paperwork now she’s churchwarden so she has bought some files and today she has been filing stuff away. She said it reminded her of when she used to work for the Bee Gees in the seventies, she was always filing stuff away along with arranging meetings and other things like picking up dry cleaning etc…in other words general dogsbody 🤣 She always says she had a great life when she was younger, met loads of really interesting people right up until she left London. It seems most stuff happens up there but she prefers it in Shoreham now she’s getting on a bit. I definitely would not want to be living in London though Hampstead Heath does sound like fun. Yesterday evening I took Nix over the bridge to the churchyard for our last walk of the day. I felt I needed some Pellitory-on-the-Wall and it grows there so

Brooklands Park Today…

  I’ve had a very good time today. I thought we might be stuck indoors for a lot of today because Nix had hurt her back trying to move a railway carriage door (don’t ask) and her hip was painful too. She was limping this morning on our walk so I feared the worst. Amazingly by lunchtime she felt much better and we set off in the car for Brooklands Park as there is lots of grass there. I wanted to go in the lake but Nix said no in case I couldn’t get out again and she wasn’t coming in after me. Instead we went to the new café which was very nice but I think Nix is going to have to make sure her toast isn’t made from sour dough otherwise she is going to need some new teeth 😬 I haven’t had any more falls at all and I am trotting again so Nix and I are both happy. Actually Nix finds it quite hard to keep up with me and you know she like to keep her eye on me. Bron my vet will be back in a week so I think Nix and I are going to pay her a visit just to chat over my latest symptoms which are

A Vist To See Sheila This Afternoon…

 My legs are still a bit wobbly but I’m okay. I’m not liking steps at all as I don’t feel that safe but Nix has a thingy under my tummy to support me so as long as her legs don’t go at the same time as mine we’ll be okay. We had a bit of a lay in this morning as I had my last wee quite late last night. In the morning I like to stand next to the bed and stare at Nix and she wakes up…that’s very clever isn’t it. She said I nearly gave her a heart attack this morning because she was laying on her side when she woke up and my nose was about one inch away 🤣 Once she’d recovered we had a short walk down the boardwalk and we weren’t gone that long but I still like to have a drink out of my own water bowl when we get home.  This afternoon we have been to visit Sheila who is recovering at home after breaking her ankle. Edgar her husband was able to go and have a game of bowls while we stayed with Sheila. Nix said it was very interesting because Sheila knows Shoreham and our church from long ag