Just A Wander Into Town Today…

 We decided not to go too far today after yesterdays incidents, thought it was safer to stay near home. We did meet Kay down at the church hall to wait for a disabled lady who was having problems getting out of the church hall. That was easily solved and we shall put a grab rail up for her so she can hang on to it when she goes down the step. Nix had also asked on our Shoreham forum for a recommendation for someone who could come and fix the curtains in the church hall as they are hanging off. They are very high, about 15’ so it’s too high for us. A very nice man got in touch and he said he’d come round with his ladder and he’d do it for no cost. Isn’t that kind of him, Nix says he’ll get a special place in heaven 🙂

This afternoon we just walked into town. We wandered round the churchyard but it started to get hot so we came home. While we were wandering we kept seeing very yappy little dogs. I think everyone sitting at the cafés thought I was a very good dog for ignoring them…I got a lot of fuss, they didn’t get any 🙂

Nix is going for a dip later but I shall stay here, I’m quite happy sleeping in the garden. It’s a shame I’ll miss the low tide but I don’t want to walk over all the pebbles to get there. Nix will have to when she goes for her dip but she says she doesn’t mind. I think she does really because she’s always moaning when she gets home about how steep they are in places. 

Tomorrow we are going to see Bron, Nix calls it my mid flush check up 🙂 

We didn’t have many photos to post so Nix took a little video of the fuchsia that Sarah bought us a couple of years ago, it’s really tall. 


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