Too Too Hot Today 😎

 If Nix ever complains about having a horrible summer again I shall remind her of this week. She is passed out on the sofa groaning about how it’s too hot and she can’t cope. She wants to try wearing a fur coat and see how she likes that! To be fair she does go out on the paving stones in her bare feet to make sure it’s okay for me to go out and we only go out early mornings and early evening. Yesterday evening was fun…we drove up to the Harbour Club where there is a sandy beach and the water is very calm…I like that, not too keen on waves. I had a really nice dip and that kept me cool for the rest of the evening.

This morning we had a walk down the boardwalk and as you know as I’ve got older our walks have got shorter. This is the story Nix likes to tell because she can’t face a long walk any longer either. This morning I took it upon myself to head off up the beach past our usual exit and so Nix just had to follow me…it was very nice but I was quite tired when we got home. Nix passed out on the sofa immediately 🫢

Later on this morning we gave our friend Trish a lift to the church because she had to collect some things from there and Nix checked the batteries for the microphone because last Sunday it didn’t work and it was because the batteries were flat. All was well and it was lovely and cool in the church too. 

Rita is coming round soon and she and Nix are going for a dip, Nix says it’s the only thing that will cool her off. Perhaps she will stop moaning then 🙄

Nix is very pleased with herself because she got some tuna for half price from Sainsbury’s and she picked some of her French beans and had a very healthy lunch. I didn’t get any because I was in the garden and she’d eaten it all when I came inside 😕


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