Market Day Today…

 I’ve been a bit disruptive again today. I’m okay if Nix is sitting down when she chats to people, I just go to sleep. It’s when she’s standing talking that I don’t like it. That’s when I try to mount her leg and chew on my lead. Today we went into town as the market was on and there was also lemon drizzle in the Parish Centre. Before we even got to the bridge we bumped into Anne and Richard having coffee outside the Beach Bakery and then once over the bridge we bumped into Frances and then into our neighbour Caroline. I was fine for those short chats and I was very well behaved while Nix was sitting down having her lemon drizzle especially as she saved me a bit. 

It was on our way home that the problems started. I’m not that keen when Nix stops in the street to talk to people because I don’t know what to do with myself. That’s when I chew my lead and try to mount her leg and to be honest anyone else’s leg in close proximity 🫢 So going home was a bit stressful, we bumped into our friend from the beach Ali and then Caroline and Derek from church. Soon after there was Andrea and then Lesley and Barry too. These all entailed lengthy conversations and I do get a bit agitated so I like to join in with a bit of lead chewing and some humping. I can’t see the problem myself and it’s obviously Nix’s fault because she shouldn’t stop and chat to so many people, it’s really boring 🙄

Anyway I’ve had to go back on my Reconcile, Bron thought that was best as I’m a bit agitated. It’s not meant to work straightaway but to be honest I do feel a bit calmer this afternoon. We just had a wander round the block and back and there was a lovely breeze so I wasn’t too hot. I’ve spend most of the rest of the time asleep in my bed so we haven’t been anywhere interesting but maybe tomorrow. 

Nix’s French beans are growing but she says she’s not going to eat them because she saw a big green thingy on one and it freaked her out. She took a photo to try and find out what it was but she won’t look at it. 

I have to get my urine tested on Monday and Nix realised that we didn’t have any containers to put it in. She didn’t want to trek all over to Brighton to get one so she decided to buy one on Amazon to be delivered tomorrow. She thought it was a bit expensive but just noticed there are fifteen of them! She’ll probably need them I think as I’ll probably have to it done quite regularly now.


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