Bit Badly Behaved Today…Apparently 🫢

 We didn’t go to meditation this morning because a very kind man had offered to help us with the curtains in the church hall and we were meeting him. The curtains were all hanging off and it was almost impossible to close them so Nix asked on one of the local forums for recommendations. One lovely chap called Matt offered to come and look and not charge us. Kay and Nix  met him there this morning and he not only fixed the curtains but he cleaned all the window frames too where we couldn’t reach. He was telling Nix that he used to be a builder but now he was a carer for his wife who is mainly in a wheelchair and he taught marshall arts to kids too which helped keep them off the streets. He told Nix he wasn’t a churchgoer but he liked to help people. Nix told him he was as kind as most Christians she knew. We think we will ask for his wife to be put in the prayer book so she can get prayed for regularly. He said whenever we needed anything done to just ask him and if he could he would do it. Three cheers for Matt 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Anyway, while all this good work was going on, I was being completely ignored! I tried barking, didn’t work. I tried humping Nix’s leg, didn’t work. I even chewed my lead in half and that only worked once Nix had seen it! She’s not happy, probably won’t do that again especially as I only have one left and no lead,  no walks…apparently 🫢

When I fell in the lagoon the other day I did quite enjoy being wet, it was lovely and cooling. I’m not allowed to go over the pebbles now and so Nix decided to drive me down to the river where it’s flat and I don’t have to climb at all. It’s a bit industrial but I’m not bothered, the water is still wet.

Tomorrow morning we are going to St. Mary’s because it is tea and cake time and they are also having strawberry teas 😋

Nix has thought a bit more about my strange behaviour ie chewing my lead in half and thinks I might have to go back on my Reconcile. She’s got a message in for Bron because now she’s come to think about it I am quite restless at the moment so we’ll see what Bron has to say.


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