Church, Jackie’s, Gardening…Very Tired 🙂


Oops we’re a bit late today, that’s because Nix decided to pull up the weeds on the front drive and it took much longer than expected (or rather she’s getting a bit slow.)

So yesterday we had a visit from Trish and Bess which was very nice. We gave them a lift home and as it was almost sunset Nix and I had a lovely walk down the beach. I like it when it’s a bit cooler.

This morning at church there was quite a lot to do for Nix so I made myself extra comfortable and placed my head on a prayer cushion. Very comfortable if I may say so and I’d like one at home. That of course would actually mean three, one for each of my double donut beds. 

When we got home I had my lunch and then went for a nap in the garden. I think Nix went down to the sea because her hair was wet again. I don’t mind, it would be far too hot for me down there and it was very busy I think, a very rare sunny Sunday. 

This afternoon Jackie invited us for tea and cake. I’m a bit annoyed with myself because I fell asleep and missed out on the cake and apparently there were biscuits also. I think I should have been woken up or at least Nix could have saved me some. 

The urine sample containers arrived, there’s quite a lot of them but I suppose they will last us for a long time. What’s the betting Nix won’t need to use them again because my urine will be perfect. 

Nix has harvested her first French beans. First of all she didn’t want to eat them because of the green thingy that was on them. Now she saying she didn’t think when she put slug pellets down and maybe they might not be safe to eat. Google says it will be fine but they’re still sitting there on the table 🙄 I think she’s going to try them tonight so if you don’t hear from us again you’ll know why 🫢


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