Hove Lagoon Today, Took A Bit Of A Dive 🫢

 Oh dear I have had two incidents today and they’ve both been Nix’s fault. First of all this morning she omitted to mention that there was a board missing on the boardwalk. My foot went down it unexpectedly and I fell over. I landed on my side on the pebbles and I couldn’t get up again until Nix gave me a hand. It didn’t bother me but it really scared Nix. She wrote to the council when we got home and said she’d witnessed a very frightening fall there and if it had happened to her she would be on to her solicitor. She’s expecting it to get fixed pronto. It’s a miracle actually that Nix didn’t fall over it 🤣

This afternoon we decided to visit the old stomping ground. Not so much stomping going on these days but I do enjoy a meander round Hove Lagoon. In one part of the lagoon there is a sort of slip way which goes gradually into the water so it’s very shallow. Thing is there’s a bit of a drop on the side and I walked straight over it. It was a bit scary but actually I can swim quite well. Trouble was I couldn’t get out again so Nix had to walk down the slipway which had all that green slippy stuff on and haul me out by my collar. I had quite an audience by this time so I quite enjoyed it but my back legs wouldn’t work properly at first. It didn’t take long though for me to regain my strength and I was off. On the way home Nix stopped off at the garage to get some cake and guess what I did.. I managed to climb up on the front passenger seat. So then Nix had no idea how she was going to get me out of the car because the passenger seat it much higher than my usual exit so she decided she’d go inside and get a towel to support me. Lot of fuss about nothing really because as she was getting out of the car I barged past her and jumped out of the drivers side. Okay I was a bit wobbly but all was well in the end though Nix actually looked quite pale 🫢

Jackie has been round for a cup of tea and a chat so that was very nice. She noticed I looked really curly and I think it quite suits me. I’ve just had a short walk round the block to make sure my legs are working poperly and I think all is well. Bron can look at them when we go for our appointment which is Thursday by the way, not Wednesday.


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