
Showing posts from August, 2024

Busy Day Today πŸ™‚

  Considering we didn’t have anything to do today we seem to have been very busy.  Before I tell you what we’ve been up to I must tell you that I have a new harness which tells people I am deaf. It has a handle too so Nix can keep hold of it for when I get in and out of the car because sometimes my back legs do go a bit weak. You better not laugh at how Nix has put it on, honestly she hasn’t got a clue. It was a bit flappy but I suppose it did the job in hand. She tells me she will fit it on correctly tomorrow. I didn’t mind because I thought I looked quite smart in it and more people noticed I was deaf.  We were about to set off for a walk into town and Jackie was leaving at the same time so we walked together. I got my photo taken with Nix in my new harness. We called in at the chemist for toothpaste and I got a treat which was very nice. This afternoon we had arranged to collect Trish to drive her up to church as she was collecting some things. We were also meeting Rob there who was

Widewater Lagoon This Afternoon πŸ™‚

 You know last Friday at prayer and meditation I did one of my weird throat noises in the middle of the silent bit…well guess what I did this morning. Someone had put a fire extinguisher right next to where I go to sleep in my bed and I did find it rather fascinating. So, instead of going straight to sleep I decided to investigate the fire extinguisher and unfortunately knocked it over. They’re actually quite heavy so it made quite a loud bang and Nix made it worse by trying to get it to stand up again but she was scared to grab it at the top in case she set it off. There was a lot of fumbling from Nix and I thought I might have heard the odd snigger though that might have been me 🫒 Anyway we did have a lovely walk on the beach before we set out and we were so early we could almost see the sunrise. Nix says it will be just a few more weeks and then we shall be able to see it properly. There weren’t many people around which was very nice and it was a very peaceful walk.   This afternoo

Silver Sands And Brooklands Today πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

 So remember Nix said she would take me to the Silver Sands last night for our last walk, well she didn’t. I dont mind because her reason was that it might not be too good for me to be that wet late in the evening before I go to bed so we went for a walk down the beach instead. But…guess where we went first thing this morning instead of the beach…yay…Silver Sands. It wasn’t that hot so I didn’t go in too deep, just had a lovely paddle.  I have been a bit restless today, I can’t really sleep for too long and I go up to Nix and just stare at her. She doesn’t know what I want and I’m not sure what I want either so after she’s tried everything like food teats, fuss, and I’m still staring we go out for a walk. I don’t mind at all as I enjoy my walks but we do go out quite a lot. I think I’m quite lucky really.  We decided on Brooklands Park today as it’s not too far and there is lots of shade. Nix got petrol on the way as we were very low and not equipped for emergencies which Nix is always

Buckingham Park Today πŸ™‚

 I went with Nix to the meeting last night and I had such a good time. Nix did put my bed in the corner but it was clear to me that everyone there was very keen for me to go round the table and get cuddles off everyone. I finally went to sleep for the last fifteen minutes but not before I’d tried to escape through the open door and nearly given Nix a heart attack…again πŸ™„ It’s hot again today, Nix has been in the sea with Rita and her son Terry. Apparently it was a bit choppy and there’s always a bit of a drop where the sand starts which is okay if they are up to their knees at the time but not so funny if they are up to their waist. There was a lot of screaming and laughing so I think they had a good time. Terry had to help the two of them out because it’s harder going up a hill of pebbles than down especially when waves keep trying to knock you over. Rather miraculously they survived to tell the tale.  This afternoon we have had a short walk in Buckingham Park. It was very hot but we

Taking It Easy Today As It’s Quite Hot 😎

 Summer’s here…at last. I don’t mind it being too hot because there’s always a breeze on the beach and I do insist on going out numerous times a day. We’ve just had a very nice walk along the boardwalk and Nix is threatening to go in the sea over the next few days as it’s meant to be really hot. Hopefully Nix will take me up to Silver Sands so I can go in for a dip without having to walk over the pebbles.  This afternoon we are going to meet Kay at the church.  The man who is going to take care of the wooden cross while we have the wall repaired will meet us there and I expect there will be a conversation which will be quite boring for me I think. After that there is a meeting in the church hall so Nix will take my bed and I’ll be able to go to sleep as it’s quite cool in there.  So far we don’t have anything in our diary for the rest of the week so Nix thinks we might go exploring but not too far as I get tired. Nix gets tired too so I think she’s quite pleased that I’ve slowed down s

Bank Holiday Monday Today πŸ™‚

 So Nix went off to her ‘short contemplative’ service at St. Mary’s last night…it was very short, 15 minutes 🫒 Can I just say that she took complete advantage of it being so short and went off with David and Cynthia to see their new apartment. It was on the fifth floor so ha ha, wasn’t quite as enjoyable as she thought. She did venture out onto the terrace which was apparently very nice but just a bit too high for her. There were lovely views of the Downs and the church but Nix was terrified of using the lift on her own so Cynthia had to escort her off the premises 🀣 This morning we had a wander into town which was very nice. We stopped off for a quick coffee and then headed home because I was a bit shaky and Nix was worried about me. It doesn’t bother me, I think it looks worse than it actually is. Nix has video’d me to show Bron but we’re not sure if she will be able to do anything about it…we’ll see. She took another video of me five minutes later and as you can see I am absolutel

A Wander Into Town And Some Gardening πŸ™‚

 We had a busy morning this morning, well I say ‘we’ really it was just Nix as I was asleep for most of it. She was on welcoming duty and that means more than just welcoming, you have to do things like collecting the offertory and guiding people for communion. This meant I was on my own in my bed for the whole time but I only woke up once and Liz was there to give me a cuddle until Nix came back. Once we had our tea and biscuits in the church hall we went down to see Joy who hasn’t been very well so that was very nice. I was keen to get out in her garden but was prevented from doing so…by Nix πŸ˜• This afternoon we have been for a walk into town. I do like that walk over the bridge and Nix always lets me decide where we will go and I always choose town and the churchyard. Nix will be going back over there this evening as there is a special service for finding a new vicar. We haven’t had a replacement vicar since Rev Andrew left so Nix thinks they need all the help they can get…from above