Busy Day Today π

Considering we didn’t have anything to do today we seem to have been very busy. Before I tell you what we’ve been up to I must tell you that I have a new harness which tells people I am deaf. It has a handle too so Nix can keep hold of it for when I get in and out of the car because sometimes my back legs do go a bit weak. You better not laugh at how Nix has put it on, honestly she hasn’t got a clue. It was a bit flappy but I suppose it did the job in hand. She tells me she will fit it on correctly tomorrow. I didn’t mind because I thought I looked quite smart in it and more people noticed I was deaf. We were about to set off for a walk into town and Jackie was leaving at the same time so we walked together. I got my photo taken with Nix in my new harness. We called in at the chemist for toothpaste and I got a treat which was very nice. This afternoon we had arranged to collect Trish to drive her up to church as she was collecting some things. We were also meeting Rob...