Widewater Lagoon This Afternoon šŸ™‚

 You know last Friday at prayer and meditation I did one of my weird throat noises in the middle of the silent bit…well guess what I did this morning. Someone had put a fire extinguisher right next to where I go to sleep in my bed and I did find it rather fascinating. So, instead of going straight to sleep I decided to investigate the fire extinguisher and unfortunately knocked it over. They’re actually quite heavy so it made quite a loud bang and Nix made it worse by trying to get it to stand up again but she was scared to grab it at the top in case she set it off. There was a lot of fumbling from Nix and I thought I might have heard the odd snigger though that might have been me šŸ«¢

Anyway we did have a lovely walk on the beach before we set out and we were so early we could almost see the sunrise. Nix says it will be just a few more weeks and then we shall be able to see it properly. There weren’t many people around which was very nice and it was a very peaceful walk.  

This afternoon Nix needed to go into church to check things and so we went along to Widewater Lagoon for our walk. I do have to stay on my lead there but I don’t mind because I don’t really run that much these days. We saw an egret though there are meant to be four there and we saw the resident swans chasing off any visiting swans. One of the inlet channels had become blocked and instead of waiting forever for the environment agency to fix it some chaps from Virgin Media came along and cleared it all out. We think that was very nice of them. 

I have just been having a bit of a tidy up in the garden. Now the big plants have gone I can get right behind the summerhouse and it was a bit of a mess round there. I thought I’d move some of the soil around just to be helpful and guess what…I got told off again. Apparently I nearly made it as far as the electric cable which for some reason I’m not meant to do. I think Nix just likes to be bossy because I know that cable is very safe because let’s face it, Nix is just as likely to put the garden fork through it. I know that it has a very special cover on it so garden forks and dogs claws can’t get through it.


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