Trip Over To Hove Today To Buy Trellis

Nix was emailing Bron my vet and she wanted to send her a photo but forgot to attach it. The email didn’t send and she got a little box saying “Did you forget to attach a photo?” Nix thinks it’s spooky, I think it’s just AI…again 😲 She also got an email from Facebook telling her that they were introducing AI into our area but we could object. They send a form to fill in which Nix has done and they’ve now written to say they won’t use AI on her…we’ll see 🫢 We had our Friday morning which was very relaxing and I did partake of a little croissant. Rita came back with us for a coffee which was very nice. After I’d had a rest we headed over to Hove because Nix had ordered a piece of trellis for the clematis Josephine to climb up. This is the clematis that Nix thought was broken when it arrived. It has suddenly sprung up and even has a flower bud on it. It will need some support hence the trellis, now we just have to find someone to fix it to the summerhouse. While we were in Ho...