Got A Bit Wet Today…Twice 🌧️

 So we had home group last night and I was very well behaved. I say a quick hello to everyone and then I go to bed because I can tell when people aren’t really dog people. I used to try and get round them but I can’t see the point any longer, I’d rather have a kip 😴

We got soaked twice today. Each time we went out it was sunny and then just as we were on our way home with nowhere to shelter the heavens opened. It’s a shame that we had decided not to use the car because we could have sheltered in that but Nix says she wants to give my back legs a rest. 

This afternoon just before it rained Nix took some photos of me on the beach with some of the plants that grow wild there. We were especially thrilled to see the Yellow Horned Poppy because it is a very rare plant. When it makes its seeds the pods look like horns hence the name. We also found a clump of red, white and pink Valerian, the red being Nix’s favourite. We also found some daisies and there were lots more but it started to rain so we headed home. 

Nix has filled up my pill box so now she says she can give her brain a rest. She really loved it when at 3pm the alarm went off for my meds and she just had to empty that bit of the box without having to think which ones I have and when 🙂 She also made some more custard cream balls but they were a bit of a disaster because she didn’t have quite enough icing sugar so they were a bit sticky to mix up…they taste great though 🙂

I think tomorrow we might use the car because today was a bit boring but we need to go somewhere where I won’t get any tics. Nix says she has had an idea 🙂


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