Day Of Bright Ideas

Nix is so sorry the blog is so late, it’s just been one of those days. 

It rained quite a lot overnight but thankfully it had stopped by the time we went out this morning. We were grateful that it had stopped but someone should tell the snails which cover the beach paths and the boardwalk when it’s wet either from the rain or from the dew…yuck when you tread on one 🫢 It didn’t stop us enjoying quite a short walk as we would be leaving for church shortly after we got back. 

I slept through most of the service except when Nix went up for communion when I woke up. I just opened one eye and went back to sleep again. I knew she would come back for me and to be quite honest I couldn’t be bothered to actually stand up. 

Speaking of me standing up Nix thinks she has made a discovery. She has been very worried about my inability to get out of the car. I wobble around when I first get up and I’m a bit nervous to step out. It’s not very high but my back legs wobble so it’s a bit difficult to take off. Anyway…it suddenly dawned on Nix that the reason I might be more wobbly in the back of the car than anywhere else might be the fact she’d put all that foam in the back to make it more level. It is indeed much much comfortable when you’re laying down but it’s a bit springy when you try to stand up so tomorrow Nix will take it all out and make it more level with something firmer. I wouldn’t mind but this afternoon she’s been looking at those buggy thingies that she could push me around in. She thought if I can’t get in and out of the car how would we get places like church. The buggy is only six inches off the ground so would be perfect but quite expensive. The next idea was to get one of those sling thingies to support my weight. She found a very nice one, sheepskin lined and very nearly ordered it but decided to wait a bit. Good job eh, saved herself a few bob because I do not need a sling or a buggy, I am quite capable of managing…at the moment.

One of Nix’s churchwarden jobs this weekend was to lock the church up for the night this evening. We did that and then went for a little walk on the grassy bit of the beach 🙂


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