Got A Visitor Today 😕


Blog might have to be a bit short today because we had to go back to the vet in Brighton and we have home group tonight. The other day Nix thought I had another cyst growing on my neck but when she felt it yesterday she thought it had grown quite quickly. When she felt it today it was ‘huge’ in her words and we all know what that means don’t we. As you know Nix does not like any kind of insect especially those that have decided to take up residence on my neck. The fact that she’d been ‘fiddling’ with it freaked her out so she spent ten minutes scrubbing her hands. She wants to have one stuck on the side of her neck, that would give her something to worry about. Anyway we got to the vets and the vet nurse took one look and said it was huge…bit like my other one last year. She put on a funny voice pretending to be me and said!”Thank you very much for taking that off me…” and the receptionist asked if she thought that was how I would speak. The nurse said yes, that I would definitely be posh 🙂

We are getting my new medicine tomorrow and Nix has been worrying about remembering it all so today we received a special box to put all the pills in. Some I have once a day, some twice and some three times so it is a bit complicated and now Nix won’t have to worry as they’ll all be neatly in my new box. 

We are still looking at Nix’s birthday greetings, there are a lot of them so might take a few days but she was very chuffed with all the greetings and wants to say thank you everyone. 

We promise to have more to say tomorrow and we shall take some more photos though not in Buckingham Park where we think I might have picked up my little friend because it’s the only long grass I’ve been in.


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