Trip Over To Hove Today To Buy Trellis

 Nix was emailing Bron my vet and she wanted to send her a photo but forgot to attach it. The email didn’t send and she got a little box saying “Did you forget to attach a photo?” Nix thinks it’s spooky, I think it’s just AI…again 😲 She also got an email from Facebook telling her that they were introducing AI into our area but we could object. They send a form to fill in which Nix has done and they’ve now written to say they won’t use AI on her…we’ll see 🫢

We had our Friday morning which was very relaxing and I did partake of a little croissant. Rita came back with us for a coffee which was very nice. 

After I’d had a rest we headed over to Hove because Nix had ordered a piece of trellis for the clematis Josephine to climb up. This is the clematis that Nix thought was broken when it arrived. It has suddenly sprung up and even has a flower bud on it. It will need some support hence the trellis, now we just have to find someone to fix it to the summerhouse. While we were in Hove we had a nice walk around Wish Park where the grass was short so hopefully no ticks 😲 After that we had to get rid of some rubbish and some recycling and now we’re home and I’m asleep again. 

When Nix went out to see if the trellis fitted okay she noticed that one of the French beans has sprouted. Honestly you’d have thought she’d have won the lottery she was so excited. This is because she usually buys plants and not seeds but now she’s spent all her money on moi she has to take the cheaper option which she’s discovered is very rewarding.

MY new Urinaid tablets have arrived and just to make things complicated I have to take them before food. Nix now has to set an alarm for lunchtime as well as morning, afternoon and evening. She is hoping I might like them without having to eat them with even more custard cream balls because as I’m just over 20kg I have to take two. I don’t think I’ll like them on their own somehow 😜


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