
Showing posts from September, 2022

Saga of the Recycling Centre Continues πŸ™‚

  So the saga of the recycling centre continues. Nix decided to write to the CEO of West Sussex County Council and tell her exactly what had happened. Nix explained that she knew she was in the wrong but that you had to scroll right down their website before you saw the bit about having to take proof of address. She suggested also that maybe the man at the gate could have suggested that she might have a copy of a utility bill on her phone…which she did. She didn’t expect a reply from the CEO herself but she actually got one from her saying she was getting someone to deal with it. She apologised to Nix and said she was going to change the website so the bit about taking proof of your address was at the top. Nix is walking around looking smug however the sun lounger is still in the boot of her car 🀣 We had a lovely morning for walking to church but it was a bit chilly. We met Edith our neighbour on the way so we were able to walk over together which was very nice. Nix saved me a bit of

Unsuccessful Trip to the Recycling Centre πŸ˜”

 The mood in the Fripp household is not good. Nix wanted to dump her broken sun lounger at the tip and since the virus thingy you have to book an appointment on line. Nix did this last week and she had to put in all her details including her car registration and address etc. She got the lounger into the boot of the car this morning and off we went with a promise of a visit to Hove lagoon when we were done. She should have read the not so small print because when we arrived at the tip the man asked for proof of identity. Nix got out her bank card and he said that was no good as she had to have proof that she actually lived in the area. She explained that she had given that on line along with her registration number but he wouldn’t budge. She explained that she only had one sun lounger but he said that they couldn’t take it without proof of her address. She asked what the point was of filling in the form online and he didn’t have an answer so we had to leave. You have to drive through th

Buckingham Park Today and Lemon Drizzle πŸ˜‹

 Can I just say that Sainsbury’s did not make a very good job of my turkey delivery yesterday. They brought the wrong turkey and they didn’t bring enough. This meant that Nix and I had to drive up to Tesco this morning to buy more. I have to wait outside in the car and Nix hates doing it but we went very early so Nix could see me the whole time she was in the shop. She bought a hat while she was in there for cold early mornings but because she went through the self serve it still had its thingy on it and she set off the thief alarms as she was leaving…so glad I wasn’t with her πŸ™„ The new and correct turkey is now cooked but I’m still not very hungry. I think Nix is going to try with the tripe again but I can tell you now I am not eating it, it smells really bad. Yes I know I like the tripe treats, I really really like them but the fresh tripe is not the same. Nix has looked everywhere for freeze dried tripe but there doesn’t seem to be any in the UK but she has found some ‘air dried’ w

Pets Corner and Looking for Tripe 🀒

  We had a lovely evening last night as it was low tide around sunset. It was a bit cloudy but didn’t rain so we walked quite a long way. I’m allowed off my lead up there because we’ve never seen the BCJ that far west.  This morning after our walk to the fort we headed into town to Pets Corner to look for tripe. They had a big bag which was quite heavy apparently and Nix said even though it was in a plastic bag she could smell it all the way home and it was disgusting. She tried me with a bit straight from the bag and I ate a couple of mouthfuls but didn’t want any more. Nix thinks maybe when it’s defrosted I might be a bit more keen…πŸ€” At the moment she is making up my dinners with slightly fewer veggies and a more expensive turkey mince and we’ll see how I like that. I don’t think I’m going to like the tripe even when it’s defrosted.  This afternoon we have been to Cuckoo Corner for a walk up the river. There were two swans and I really wanted to say hello to them but I wasn’t allowe
 We got a bit wet again this morning but I don’t mind the rain. I don’t like it when it’s noisy but today it was very quiet…just wet πŸ™‚ We just went up to the fort and back so I wasn’t really that tired. By lunchtime I was keen to go out again and Nix gave in. We walked down the beach away from the BCJ so I was allowed off my lead and we came home via the houseboats. To tell you the truth I do go off my lead most days because Nix says as long as she pays attention she will see the enemy before I do…this is very annoying.  This afternoon we have been out with Jackie and Indie. We walked over the footbridge into town and through the churchyard. Then we stopped off at Teddy’s for tea and crumpets.  Now I have quite a few donut beds I didn’t really need my old bed. It was just a bit too big for our lounge so now Liz the greyhound who lives across the road has got it. She can curl right up in it so I think she likes it. I’m glad it’s gone to a good home. Will you please all be thinking abou

Tracy Came to Visit and Nix Tried to Poison me With Cottage Cheese 😱

 As you know I haven’t been eating very well just lately and Nix had a brainwave yesterday. She knows how much us doggies love cheese so she thought she’d add some grated cheese to my food. It was yummy and I ate the lot. Only thing is when Nix checked she found it to be on the list of things I shouldn’t have. She realised that it’s cottage cheese that I’m allowed but have you seen cottage cheese or worse still, have you tried eating it. It is absolutely disgusting and I refuse to eat my dinner with it added. As I love the tripe sticks Sarah gave me Nix has finally decided to bite the bullet as she puts it and get me some tripe. It’s on the ‘allowed’ list so it will keep me nice and healthy but apparently it doesn’t smell too good so Nix isn’t looking forward to it πŸ€” Tracy came to visit today which was very nice and I like her very much but boy they do go on and it can get very boring. I was waiting for my walk but they were doing hair so there was no getting through. In the end I too

The Intruder is Back 🫒

 We’ve had a very relaxing day today. That wouldn’t have been my choice but Nix said she was tired. It might have had something to do with last night. I think she was awake first in the early hours and then she woke me up. Then I wanted to go out and Nix didn’t want another wee incident in the kitchen so she let me out. It was dark so she couldn’t see where I was and so she fell asleep listening out for the intruder. I came in eventually and we both went to sleep. We slept in late as we were both tired but we did walk to church so I got plenty of exercise.  After church we went for tea and biscuits, my favourite time on a Sunday and then we walked home again along the beach. I had my lunch and went to bed and Nix went out to the garden to hang out the washing. You’ll never guess what…that flippin intruder had been in the garden and dug up the plants. He must have done it last night while I was sleeping out there and more to the point when Nix was sleeping. She really does need to pay m

Buckingham Park Today…

 Can I just say that we got back from our walk today at about 2pm. Nix got comfortable laying out on the sofa with her face in the shade but the sun shining on the rest of her. I had to lick her face to wake her up at 4pm otherwise she’d still be there now! Anyway I thought you might like to see a couple of photos from our walk last night. We arrived at the beach just as the sun was about to set. Nix looked up and there was a bright rainbow and then a second one next to it not so bright. Nix said it was obviously our queen and Prince Philip looking down on us all. I’m not so sure myself but if it makes Nix happy then I’m happy. It did put her in good spirits and I got to walk all the way to The Burrells instead of just round the block…on the way back we watched the sun setting πŸ™‚ It was nice to have a dry day today but we knew everywhere would be muddy after yesterday’s rain so we headed for Buckingham Park. There are paths all the way round most of it but I prefer the grass anyway. It

Jackie and Indie’s for Lemon Drizzle πŸ˜‹

 It’s been raining for most of today so we haven’t done a lot. We got soaked on the beach this morning so decided not to go on to church afterwards as I was much too wet. It got to about lunchtime and I was desperate to go out again even though it was raining so we went for a walk round the block. I wore my waterproof of course which I quite like and then we came home and I had a tripe stick from Sarah and then had another rest.  This afternoon we have been next door for a cup of tea with Jackie and Indie and there was lemon drizzle cake. As soon as we got there I went straight into Indie’s bed. I don’t think she liked that very much and kept a close eye on me for the rest of the time. I did get some digestive biscuit.  Meant to tell you, a lady who we know on the beach is a bit friendly with the owner of the BCJ. Nix had given her strict instructions to find out where they were moving to. I think he’s a bit mean, he knows that she knows Nix and all he’d say was, “Not too far…”  Nix

The Harbour Club, Gardening and Brooklands Park πŸ™‚

 Yesterday afternoon we had a little wander up to the Harbour Club. It sounds very posh but Nix says it’s definitely not. She asked for a one shot lattΓ© and the girl behind the bar said she only had one sort that comes out of the machine. Nix wasn’t impressed and neither was I, I didn’t even get a treat πŸ˜” We finished the garden last night and now Nix is aching all over. She knew she would but it had to be done and I think she is pleased with it. We just need the flowers to grow in the middle and it will be perfect, just have to watch out for intruders. She’s very happy that Ali and Math from across the road have taken the big Phormium thingy and they are going to plant it in their front garden. This means Nix can still watch it grow, she’s very happy about that. After the gardening we went for a sunset walk down the beach which was very relaxing.  Today we have been to Brooklands Park to see how they are getting on with the renovation. There didn’t seem to be a lot of work going on bu