Tracy Came to Visit and Nix Tried to Poison me With Cottage Cheese 😱

 As you know I haven’t been eating very well just lately and Nix had a brainwave yesterday. She knows how much us doggies love cheese so she thought she’d add some grated cheese to my food. It was yummy and I ate the lot. Only thing is when Nix checked she found it to be on the list of things I shouldn’t have. She realised that it’s cottage cheese that I’m allowed but have you seen cottage cheese or worse still, have you tried eating it. It is absolutely disgusting and I refuse to eat my dinner with it added. As I love the tripe sticks Sarah gave me Nix has finally decided to bite the bullet as she puts it and get me some tripe. It’s on the ‘allowed’ list so it will keep me nice and healthy but apparently it doesn’t smell too good so Nix isn’t looking forward to it 🤔

Tracy came to visit today which was very nice and I like her very much but boy they do go on and it can get very boring. I was waiting for my walk but they were doing hair so there was no getting through. In the end I took to my bed in the hope of making them feel guilty. At one point Tracy looked in horror at my food bowl and asked what was in it. When Nix said cottage cheese Tracy’s face said it all…she doesn’t like it either 🙂 Bring on the tripe 😋 

As soon as Tracy left we set out on our walk. As we arrived at Southwick Hill it started to rain…a lot. We sat in the car and Nix listened to the Archers Omnibus and I fell asleep in the back. Eventually the rain stopped and I finally got my walk in. We stuck to the woods as it was very windy up the hill. Nix only tripped over three tree roots but miraculously managed to stay upright  ðŸ™‚

We saw two foxes last night on our walk round the block…


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