Buckingham Park Today and Lemon Drizzle 😋

 Can I just say that Sainsbury’s did not make a very good job of my turkey delivery yesterday. They brought the wrong turkey and they didn’t bring enough. This meant that Nix and I had to drive up to Tesco this morning to buy more. I have to wait outside in the car and Nix hates doing it but we went very early so Nix could see me the whole time she was in the shop. She bought a hat while she was in there for cold early mornings but because she went through the self serve it still had its thingy on it and she set off the thief alarms as she was leaving…so glad I wasn’t with her 🙄 The new and correct turkey is now cooked but I’m still not very hungry. I think Nix is going to try with the tripe again but I can tell you now I am not eating it, it smells really bad. Yes I know I like the tripe treats, I really really like them but the fresh tripe is not the same. Nix has looked everywhere for freeze dried tripe but there doesn’t seem to be any in the UK but she has found some ‘air dried’ which she thinks she might be able to add to my food if she breaks it up…what do you think? She took a photo to show you, has anyone used it. 

This afternoon we have been to Buckingham park and I chased a squirrel. I don’t run that often these days so I really enjoyed it. I haven’t been able to get a drink there for ages though because they turned the tap off and put a notice up saying there was Legionaire’s Disease. Thankfully the bowling club have put a big bowl of lovely clean water out so I was able to have a long drink. Perhaps Sheila’s Edgar will thank the bowling club for us. We went to the cafe and Nix had some tea and a piece of lemon drizzle cake. I got treats from the lady behind the counter but she prefers Nix to give them to me…I got two and one bite of lemon drizzle 🤣

Tomorrow we are going to the recycling centre and then hopefully off to Hove Lagoon for a walk 🙂


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