Jackie and Indie’s for Lemon Drizzle πŸ˜‹

 It’s been raining for most of today so we haven’t done a lot. We got soaked on the beach this morning so decided not to go on to church afterwards as I was much too wet. It got to about lunchtime and I was desperate to go out again even though it was raining so we went for a walk round the block. I wore my waterproof of course which I quite like and then we came home and I had a tripe stick from Sarah and then had another rest. 

This afternoon we have been next door for a cup of tea with Jackie and Indie and there was lemon drizzle cake. As soon as we got there I went straight into Indie’s bed. I don’t think she liked that very much and kept a close eye on me for the rest of the time. I did get some digestive biscuit. 

Meant to tell you, a lady who we know on the beach is a bit friendly with the owner of the BCJ. Nix had given her strict instructions to find out where they were moving to. I think he’s a bit mean, he knows that she knows Nix and all he’d say was, “Not too far…”  Nix is very disappointed, I’m not πŸ˜‡  I was let off my lead this morning because there was no one around and Nix has decided she’s going to let me off now but she will have to try and be more observant, we can’t have anymore incidents...apparently πŸ€”

Tomorrow the weather doesn’t look so bad so hopefully we can go somewhere nice πŸ™‚


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