
Showing posts from September, 2024

I’m A Bit Grumpy Today…

 I’m not in a particularly good mood today. I had a bit of an incident with my tail and some poo and I’ve had to have it ‘dealt with’ 🫣 Anyway it’s done now and I’ve been Cowboy Magic’d to within an inch of my life so I look good and I smell good too. Apart from the poo which happened this morning we got soaking wet again. Even my treats which were in Nix’s pocket got a bit soggy so I was glad when we got home. My meds were still sitting there on the floor, in cheese but I’ve decided I don’t like this sort of cheese. Last time I had some grated cheese squeezed into a ball and that hid my meds…I liked that. This cheese is a bit squeaky, I don’t like it.  We had a walk into town after lunch but I still didn’t feel like posing. I had a good look round the graveyard but was happy to come home after that. I’ve been asleep for most of the day apart from the dreaded tail cleaning business but at least I smell nice now. Nix has a meeting tomorrow so Sally is coming to sit with me, I’m looking

So Cold Today…Like The Winter 🥶

 It’s freezing and Nix has actually put the heating on…this is a very rare occurrence these days. We noticed the cold when we took our evening walk last night. The sky was very pretty but Nix said she just wanted to get home and get warm. When we do get home she gets herself all wrapped up in the fleecy blanket that Anne Floyd sent her all the way from the USA. Just in case you were worried about me I did get toys and treats from Anne too 🙂 Today was church as usual. It was very nice to meet Nick, Liz’s son who is over from Adelaide. I slept through the service as usual apart from one part when I did wake up but I soon went back to sleep again. When we had coffee afterwards I had a couple of bits of biscuit from Nix but then my friend Nicky asked Nix if liked Custard Creams…well do bears poo in the woods! So Nicky went off and got me a whole Custard Cream biscuit all to myself 😋 This afternoon we have been to Adur Rec and took a little meander through the woods. That annoying brown L

We Went To See A Windmill Today 🙂

 Nix has been moving furniture around, very boring. She won’t be able to find anything now of course because it’s in a different place. She will continue to go to where it was before for quite some time. One particular chest of drawers has been in the same place since we moved here six years ago. It was quite shocking to see what had accumulated underneath 🫣 This morning we went for lemon drizzle at the Parish Centre. They have a pop up shop when the Artisans’ market is on which is the fourth Saturday of every month. I did get some cake and we met lots of friends there. Jackie came with us and we met Edith and Robert our neighbours and Mother Anne-Marie one of our retired vicars. Caroline and Derek from church were there as was Sheila who we know from a Friday morning. It was really nice to chat with everyone and we were there for quite a while while.  This afternoon after Nix had finished gardening we drove somewhere new. We did go there many years ago but Nix thought I might like al

It’s Still Raining 😕

 I can’t believe it’s been raining again, all day too. I’m getting a bit fed up with being wet all the time and I think Nix is too. We set out for church this morning and we’d only just gone a few steps when it started to rain so we came home and Nix drove us in. We have to park in a car park nearby which is a bit annoying because if someone parks next to us Nix can’t get the side door open wide enough for my step and we still have to walk from there so we still get wet. I can tell you it’s not very nice sitting in a cold church when you’re a bit wet 🥶 This afternoon we gave Trish a lift to church as she was collecting the details from the prayer book. I had a bit of a rest but to be honest I was glad when we got home so I could get into my bed and dry off properly. Nix says it’s going to be sunny tomorrow so I think we will be able to go somewhere nice for our walk. In the morning we shall be going to the Parish Centre for tea and cake…I’m looking forward to that 😋 Kim Davis Wicker

Rain, Rain, Rain Today 😕

 We’ve had a lot of short walks today because it’s been very wet and very windy and we got very wet twice. I went straight to bed when we got home this morning but Nix decided she was going to call Sky because the subtitles kept coming on every time she changed channel. She had been into the inner workings of the Sky box and changed it but it didn’t help so… a phone call to Sky was called for. This did not go well, first of all the Sky person told her that the account at our address wasn’t in Nix’s name, it was in a man’s name. The Sky man said he couldn’t help because it wasn’t her account. Nix said she wondered how come Sky were taking money out of her account every month and perhaps they’d like to stop seeing as how she didn’t seem to have an actual account with them. I do think it worried Nix a bit what with all these scam thingies going on so she phoned her old friend, the CEO’s office. They were great and sorted it all out. A man had tried to open an account from our address but

Not Too Busy A Day Today…

  We walked 4.5 miles yesterday which was quite a lot. It wasn’t for me of course but I think Nix was quite tired, she wanted to sit on a bench on the way home from the afternoon walk by the houseboats. Guess what too, when we got home Nix noticed what she thought was an old Waitrose carrier bag that had blown into our garden at the front. She made a mental note to put it in the bin but kept forgetting but when she did go out to get it she discovered it was full of drugs!  No not those sort of drugs you naughty people, proper medication sort of drugs. The lady’s name was on the boxes so Nix asked on our street WhatsApp group and the lady lives in our road. She had fallen over outside our house and she thinks they must have fallen over the wall and she forgot about them with the shock. She is fine now thankfully 🙂 Today we had a visit from Beth and when we went to collect her from the station we went for a little wander first. We came across a place called The Circular Space, I thought