I’m A Bit Grumpy Today…

 I’m not in a particularly good mood today. I had a bit of an incident with my tail and some poo and I’ve had to have it ‘dealt with’ 🫣 Anyway it’s done now and I’ve been Cowboy Magic’d to within an inch of my life so I look good and I smell good too. Apart from the poo which happened this morning we got soaking wet again. Even my treats which were in Nix’s pocket got a bit soggy so I was glad when we got home. My meds were still sitting there on the floor, in cheese but I’ve decided I don’t like this sort of cheese. Last time I had some grated cheese squeezed into a ball and that hid my meds…I liked that. This cheese is a bit squeaky, I don’t like it. 

We had a walk into town after lunch but I still didn’t feel like posing. I had a good look round the graveyard but was happy to come home after that. I’ve been asleep for most of the day apart from the dreaded tail cleaning business but at least I smell nice now. Nix has a meeting tomorrow so Sally is coming to sit with me, I’m looking forward to that. I expect Nix will get some biscuits in which I shall encourage Sally to share with moi. 

I’m sorry I’m not posing for most of the photos, one doesn’t exactly feel like posing when one has poo in one’s tail.


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