Not Too Busy A Day Today…


We walked 4.5 miles yesterday which was quite a lot. It wasn’t for me of course but I think Nix was quite tired, she wanted to sit on a bench on the way home from the afternoon walk by the houseboats. Guess what too, when we got home Nix noticed what she thought was an old Waitrose carrier bag that had blown into our garden at the front. She made a mental note to put it in the bin but kept forgetting but when she did go out to get it she discovered it was full of drugs!  No not those sort of drugs you naughty people, proper medication sort of drugs. The lady’s name was on the boxes so Nix asked on our street WhatsApp group and the lady lives in our road. She had fallen over outside our house and she thinks they must have fallen over the wall and she forgot about them with the shock. She is fine now thankfully 🙂

Today we had a visit from Beth and when we went to collect her from the station we went for a little wander first. We came across a place called The Circular Space, I thought it was very interesting. They describe it as ‘bringing joy to our community while looking after our planet!’ They take in all sorts of unwanted scrap and make stuff out of it, it’s very clever. They also have  The Repair Café where you can take household items that have broken and a volunteer will show you how to repair it. I think we’ll keep Nix well away from there, I’m not sure I’d trust her repairing skills especially with electrical items, she could burn the house down. 

Nix didn’t want to keep getting me in and out of the car so when we dropped Beth off at the station, instead of going to Buckingham Park we came home and went for a walk on the beach instead. I quite enjoyed that and now we’re home I am going back to bed. Nix moves my bed from the lounge when we have visitors so there is more room. It’s a bit lopsided but never mind 🙂😴


  1. You make me laugh Fripp! So happy that you had a nice day and that Beth came to visit. Have a good evening.


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