Quiet Day Today…Pour Moi 🙂

We’ve had a day of taking it easy today…well when I say ‘we’ I probably mean me. I have slept quite a lot while Nix has been doing all the work. It was so warm when we went for our morning walk that Nix decided she was going to attack the church hall garden. We have been asking our congregation if anyone would like to take care of it but no offers. It did look like a job and a half so Nix thought she would go down and tidy it up so it didn’t look quite so daunting. Thankfully Kay turned up to help and between them they got rid of all the weeds and did lots of pruning. They will plant some new plants and then it will just need a weed every few weeks. Someone had planted some mint at some point and gardeners amongst you will know that you never plant mint in a garden. One of the roots that Nix got out was over 2 metres long. I slept in the car while they did their work, I was very comfortable and I could see Nix if I wanted to.  This afternoon we have just been up the beach again, ...