Sally’s For Tea This Afternoon πŸ˜‹

 Gosh, we are very late today but that’s because we’ve been quite busy. This morning it was quite icy but we still had a lovely walk up the boardwalk. Nix didn’t want to wear her new boots and stain them so she wore her old shoes which are very slippy. She had to walk on the pebbles, which is hard work especially for her πŸ™„

We were due to go and see Sally at 2 pm so at about 12 o’clock Nix took me for a walk so that I’d be a little bit tired when we got to Sally’s house. She let me lead the way and I took us into town and round the churchyard. They still haven’t fixed the footbridge into town and now apparently the bridge is going to be closed so that will really affect us. They put on a bus for people to go into town but we don’t really want to go on that, we like walking over the bridge. We hope it doesn’t stay closed for too long.

We left for Sally‘s about 1.45 because we decided to walk there. We walked down the road in the end because Nix thought I might be a bit slow on the beach but I did get my way for the last bit of the walk and we walked along the beach. We had a lovely afternoon at Sally‘s and there were croissants. I should’ve liked to have investigated a little further but I wasn’t allowed so I went to sleep. After we left Sally’s we had a lovely walk back home down the beach and there was a very pretty sunset.

Tomorrow Nix has a dentist appointment and I’m going to stay on my own because she says she won’t be long…I’ll probably sleep 😴

Nix said to say that she can’t write descriptions on our photos any longer because of the stupid Apple update. She can’t change the colours of the letters any longer and black doesn’t really show up. I’m sure you can guess what they are anyway…most of them will be moi πŸ™‚


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