A Day Of Ups And Downs 🙂


Nix says today has been a day of ups and downs. First of all we had Jeannie come to visit which was lovely and we had a very nice day. Nix did Jeannie’s colour and then we went over into town for a coffee and a walk round the churchyard. Nix fancied a vegan sausage roll which was really tasty until she found some plastic in her mouth…she said it looked like cling film. She cut the sausage roll in half and the plastic was all through the sausage. When she took it inside to show them, they said it was to replace the skin that you would get on a normal sausage but basically it was plastic some of which Nix had swallowed. They tried to make out it was edible but Nix isn’t so sure 🫣

The best bit of the day which I found hilarious was when the postman came. Nix has been waiting for this Christmas sweater she ordered for weeks, she now thinks it’s come from China. When she opened the package what was inside didn’t come close to resembling the sweater Nix ordered. She’s taken photos of both of them and you can make your own minds up 🫣🤣 I wouldn’t go on about it too much as she’s a bit touchy about it 🤣🤣🤣

Tomorrow we have the whole day free and it is going to be sunny and quite warm for November. Not sure where we’ll go yet but I hope it’s somewhere special. I’d quite like to go to Southwick Hill but Nix thinks it might be a bit hilly for me what with my back legs being a bit weak. We’ll probably find somewhere a bit flatter.


  1. The two sweaters are not the same. So disappointing, not sure what to advise Nix to do. So sorry about the sausage plastic - I would not have eaten it either. Glad your visit with Jeannie was a good one and you had some nice time outdoors. Sleep well tonite! Thinking of you xxxooo


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