
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Easter Sunday Service On The Beach Was Very Very Cold 🥶

Nix came to bed last night at 9.30pm as she had to be awake by 5am which would feel like 4am because humans will insist on moving the clocks for no apparent reason. I was able to wake her up at 11.30pm with one single bark which I thought was quite impressive. She came into the kitchen where I was and asked me why I was staring at the back door. Well I have no idea why I was doing that, one minute I was asleep next minute I was barking at the back door. I never go out of that door in fact I don’t think it’s been opened since we moved here eight years ago. I think I might have seen the fox running along next doors bicycle storage shed but I’m not really sure. Nix tried to encourage me back to bed but in the dark my tail must have gone in the water bowl and when it flapped around her legs she thought I’d wee’d myself which I had not. Honestly a chap has one accident… Anyway we made it to the sunrise Easter service but it was very very cold…and dark. There was soon a fire going but neithe...

Southwick Hill Today 🙂

It is like a summer’s day here today and I am very happy. We went to the beach this morning but this afternoon we have been to Southwick Hill, one of my favourite places. I must say though it made me a bit more tired than it used to and as for Nix, she couldn’t even keep up with me. We didn’t go as far as normal as we’re both getting on a bit but I still had a really good time. There was a lovely big puddle to cool off in and I could have sworn Nix told me to get in it. Apparently she told me not to get in it but it’s not my fault if I’m deaf and can’t hear her properly.  Nix has gone a bit mad in the sunshine! She’s cleaned the bird bath out and done all the washing which is hanging on the line. She’s also scrubbed a lot of the paving stones and done some pruning. I think we can safely assume she is feeling much better. Amazing really as I woke her up at 4am this morning demanding to be let out in the garden and then just sat there…I don’t see a problem myself.  We’re very sa...

Bit Of A Warning In This One 😕

 I was a very good boy last night even though Nix was too lazy to take me out at 11pm. She was bingeing on Professor T so I gave up in the end and went to bed. To be fair she did get up before me this morning and opened the French doors so I was able to have a wee in the garden. It was very windy when we went to the beach. I think it was the tail end of a storm that never really arrived here. We hadn’t been home long when we set out again for St Mary’s where they have a Good Friday service in the churchyard. We came straight home after that and I slept in the garden in the sunshine with Nix viewing me from the sofa. I don’t know what she thinks I’m going to do!  This afternoon has been very sunny and we went to the park but Nix forgot to take her phone so no photos of there. I shall include a photo of two hairbrushes for your amusement, one is mine and one belongs to Nix. I had my tail brushed before I went to the groomers so my brush was covered with Cowboy Magic. Guess which...

Trip To The Groomers, I Smell Very Nice Apparently 🙂

  So I’ve been for my groom this morning. Nix wasn’t looking forward to the drive as storm Nelson was due to hit first thing. Nix had my waterproof coat with her but when we came out of the groomers it was quite sunny. We seem to have missed the worst of it so far but it might come later. Once Nix has dropped me off she likes to go into the little Aldi shop. They had the small donut beds in there and they were really great. Nix thought the nearest big Aldi was a couple of hours away but the very helpful lady in there said there is a brand new one in Rustington which is only 30 minutes away.  I don’t really need any more beds but they are really cheap so we might drive over there next week as my original donut has seen better days and the covers don’t come off so it’s a bit grubby.  After Nix has been to Aldi she walks down to the coffee shop but this entails crossing the level crossing which she is terrified of at the best of times. She was just picking her way across try...

A Leisurely Day Today…

 I had a very good night last night. Nix took me out at about 10pm and I went straight to bed and didn’t wake up once. It did mean however that we woke up quite early so we were out on the beach before 7am. It was very windy but I think we have another storm coming tomorrow.  After our beach walk I went straight to sleep but I did wake up at 10am, I think it was the shock of being asleep for over eight hours last night. As the sun was out and Nix knew it would be raining later on we decided to go for a walk into town. We had a good walk round the churchyard which is actually quite big. They have benches all round the edges and people like to sit there with their coffees, it was very popular during the pandemic when the humans were finally released from their homes. I had my photo taken by the remains of the old nave which would have originally been part of the church building (you might be able to see where it was attached.) We’re not sure what happened to it, Nix is trying to...