The Easter Sunday Service On The Beach Was Very Very Cold 🥶

Nix came to bed last night at 9.30pm as she had to be awake by 5am which would feel like 4am because humans will insist on moving the clocks for no apparent reason. I was able to wake her up at 11.30pm with one single bark which I thought was quite impressive. She came into the kitchen where I was and asked me why I was staring at the back door. Well I have no idea why I was doing that, one minute I was asleep next minute I was barking at the back door. I never go out of that door in fact I don’t think it’s been opened since we moved here eight years ago. I think I might have seen the fox running along next doors bicycle storage shed but I’m not really sure. Nix tried to encourage me back to bed but in the dark my tail must have gone in the water bowl and when it flapped around her legs she thought I’d wee’d myself which I had not. Honestly a chap has one accident… Anyway we made it to the sunrise Easter service but it was very very cold…and dark. There was soon a fire going but neithe...