Bit Of A Warning In This One 😕

 I was a very good boy last night even though Nix was too lazy to take me out at 11pm. She was bingeing on Professor T so I gave up in the end and went to bed. To be fair she did get up before me this morning and opened the French doors so I was able to have a wee in the garden. It was very windy when we went to the beach. I think it was the tail end of a storm that never really arrived here.

We hadn’t been home long when we set out again for St Mary’s where they have a Good Friday service in the churchyard. We came straight home after that and I slept in the garden in the sunshine with Nix viewing me from the sofa. I don’t know what she thinks I’m going to do! 

This afternoon has been very sunny and we went to the park but Nix forgot to take her phone so no photos of there. I shall include a photo of two hairbrushes for your amusement, one is mine and one belongs to Nix. I had my tail brushed before I went to the groomers so my brush was covered with Cowboy Magic. Guess which one Nix used to brush her hair after she’d washed it 🤣🤣🤣 She blames me of course because she’s says they both look the same ie tooth marks in the handle 🫢

Nix wants to put out a bit of a warning. As you know I have quite a specialist diet but I am allowed treats. Nix usually buys these flat stick thingies from the pet shop but because she was too lazy to walk round there she ordered some from Sainsbury’s with our weekly shop. Nix gave me one yesterday and it broke in two with one half getting stuck in the roof of my mouth. It was just like when I found that stick on the beach and that got caught in the same place. That was worse because it was harder and it made my mouth bleed but this time it still scared me. It scared Nix too but she managed to get it out. I don’t normally open my mouth for anyone but I did trust Nix to get rid of it. 

We couldn’t get the donkey for this years Easter service but Nix will post a photo from last year. She waited ages to see the donkey and then got Covid so she couldn’t go 🙄


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