Tea At Sally’s And Then Brooklands Park ๐Ÿ™‚


We had a very nice morning, after communion we went back with Sally for a cup of tea and I got a digestive biscuit. Sally makes her tea in a pot which I think is very nice. We came home afterwards and Nix was surprised to hear the doorbell ring. She had completely forgotten that the Sainsbury’s van was due with my tins of tuna and a couple of things for Nix of course๐Ÿ™‚

After a little nap we headed over to Brooklands Park. We thought this the best place to go as we have had quite a lot of rain. Everywhere would have been very muddy and we have a new rug so Nix said she couldn’t face cleaning up after us. There are lots of paths at Brooklands so we didn’t get muddy at all. We met a dog who only had three legs. He was a bit wobbly like me but I’m glad I’ve still got all four of my legs. There is a very stinky muddy pond at Brooklands and I really wanted to go in it but Nix said a definite no! 

Later on this evening Nix is meeting with the sound guy to get some more training and to see how she goes about working it from her iPad. That will save her from having to get up if ever she needs to change anything. 

Tomorrow evening Nix is hoping to go to the Ropetackle. This is the local community hotspot and Jenny, one of our friends from Hove is being interviewed about a book she’s written. I don’t think it’s something that dogs get invited to but hopefully we might see Jenny for a drink afterwards. 

I really really really wanted to go in that pond ๐Ÿ˜”


  1. I am glad you didn't go in the smelly pond! I know Nix is glad also. Brooklands looks like a very nice place to walk. I am glad you had a good day today. Miss you on Facebook. xxoo


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