Subtitles And Filing…

 Nix has been filing, this doesn’t happen very often so it always takes a long time. Why she can’t do it every week I have no idea but who am I to comment. Anyway it’s done now and she reckons she can find any document she’s asked for…we’ll see 🙄

Did I tell you about the subtitles keep coming up on the TV. Nix switches them off and then as soon as she changes channel they come back on again. A month or so ago she called Sky and a chap who was very nice but almost impossible to understand helped her to reset the Sky box. It took over half and hour but all was well, for about a day. 

Yesterday she thought she’d better call again and this time she got a chap who was even nicer than the one before but even harder to understand!  She was on the phone for so long doing things to the Sky box and then he sent her into the other room to do the same with the mini box. By the time she’d finished her left hand was really aching from holding the mobile. Thankfully the subtitles disappeared and she was very happy…for about five minutes when they came back on again. The man had promised Nix that he had made a note and if it happened again they would send an engineer out. So…this morning she called again and the chap was trying to get her to reset the box again. You probably don’t need to know what Nix thought about that! Anyway she wrote to the CEO’s office I’m happy to say that she has just received a reply and they have booked an engineer in. Why is everything so complicated for humans!

So, the filing and the Sky calls have taken up most of the day (or most of the Nix’s life if you ask her) but I did still get a walk in Buckingham Park. We met the owner of the bungalow that we stayed in when our bungalow was being done up and he told Nix his dog had just been diagnosed with CKD the same as me. They thought it was the end so he was very happy to know how long I have survived. 

Nix is having one of her vaccinations tomorrow, she can’t remember which one 🙄


  1. Poor Nix! The TV cable things can be so frustrating! Glad you got your walk to Buckingham Park. Lovely day here, 75 degrees F, warm for this time of year.


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